Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] if it have " in BNC.

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1 As the reader will appreciate , a country can fund a continuing current account deficit only if it has limitless reserves of gold and foreign exchange or unlimited foreign borrowing power .
2 This is because physical science can be superior as a method of investigation and scholarship only if it has something to be superior to .
3 It will be important to formulate an initial strategy for the bid even if it has to be modified subsequently as a result of changing circumstances .
4 When I last met them in September , I asked them to consider urgently three specific point : first , the introduction of visible vehicle identification numbers ; secondly , the fitting of deadlocking across all their vehicle ranges ; and , most important , the development of an effective vehicle immobilising device that would make it impossible to move a car even if it had been broken into .
5 Ullman therefore suggests ( contra empiricists and Piaget ) that a baby — or , one might add , a kingfisher — can see that two appearances are views of one and the same object even if it has never seen that sort of object before , and even if it has no tactile or manipulative evidence suggesting that they pertain to one and the same thing .
6 Although the Court of Appeal 's decision was obiter dictum , the investors should be made aware that the knowledge gained from their " due diligence " may prohibit any subsequent warranty claim even if it has not been disclosed by the managers .
7 There is every reason to believe that he would have pursued his policy even if it had been unpopular ( as it temporarily became in 1967 ) .
8 First , is it right that a remedy should be refused because the respondent would have made the same decision even if it had not acted illegally ?
9 All experience showed that an attack had some prospect of success only if it had numerical superiority in a ratio of at least 3 : 1 .
10 I 'm sure she would n't have taken the matter lightly if it had been her own colleagues who had been beaten up and tortured .
11 ‘ If I had n't known you could by last night , ’ she retorted , ‘ I 'd have got me a spare staff nurse even if it had meant taking this bloody hospital apart .
12 There were no landmarks , no features by which they could determine their position even if it had been light enough to see them .
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