Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] if they have " in BNC.

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1 The standardizing , regularizing , authoritative properties often assigned to print as a medium ( though many of them are inherent in any writing system ) could have full social effect only if they had this broad coherence with general developments in the social and labour processes , to which , however , print was not a mere ancillary , for it was one of the forms of such development .
2 Governments can mount a radical and effective challenge to the existing social formation only if they have definite , credible proposals commanding the active support of a substantial social bloc , a hegemonic force spanning a whole range of social positions ( as Labour did in 1945 , for all the weaknesses we can see in retrospect ) .
3 One reason for this is that older workers tend to lack certification for skill even if they have been acquired .
4 Many will even disrupt their day to get a nibble of a bar or two , sneaking out of the office or taking a diversion to a shop even if they have more pressing business at hand .
5 Thus , purchases by the Board would have done nothing to facilitate an increase in the total supply of land for development even if they had been much more numerous .
6 It would have taken him all day even if they 'd had enough tarmac in the back of the pickup !
7 Note that prodder-armed Goblins can fight from a rear rank even if they have moved — unlike spears which can only do so when stationary ( see the Warhammer rulebook ) .
8 Consumers who saw their commitments enlarge so dramatically as a result of higher interest rates , who found themselves over-committed , and then found themselves unemployed and even less able to meet those commitments , will not rush out and spend money even if they have more of it .
9 The most difficult part of getting out a galvanised hot water tank is likely to be disconnecting the pipes leading to and from the boiler particularly if they have been there for some time .
10 we 've been talking about individuals and what they want , and we live in a context in which if people want a thing and the , and we feel that they should have the choice particularly if they have the money that if to , if you look at it in a wider context there are seven million children living on the streets in Brazil !
11 However , the children of your unmarried partner can not inherit from you unless you adopt them or make a will even if they have been living as a family with you both .
12 Assisted by a recent Supreme Court ruling that members of the last parliament were not immune from prosecution for corruption even if they had been re-elected , Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Sir Julius Chan had launched a full investigation in late July into the financial dealings of the previous government .
13 Both mothers could take legal action against the hospital even if they have the correct child .
14 Using the most fundamental measure of poverty , the " breadline " , Professor Hay has estimated that over the years 1760 to 1802 in a normal year around 10 per cent of Staffordshire families would have been unable to buy sufficient bread over the year even if they had spent their whole earnings on it .
15 Or do the words mean that judges can be dismissed by the Crown either if they have not behaved themselves ( e.g. been convicted of crime ) or on an Address of both Houses ?
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