Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] be part [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lucie began to look nervously around for fear it was part of an ambush by footpads .
2 The establishment of internal controls is the responsibility of management , not of internal audit , but as a service to management it is part of the latter 's role to review , appraise and report on the soundness and adequacy of these controls .
3 There can be little doubt that when Richard led his army to Dax it was part of a campaign intended to counter the northward expansion of Aragon .
4 In this sense they are part of a system of communication between parent and child .
5 They 're lab chimps , and before they were acquired for the Jenner Clinic they were part of a language project .
6 But in a sense it is part of their responsibility .
7 In one sense it 's part of every man 's dream at some time or other — to make for the country and live off and in nature .
8 Have have a look at it members of the jury it 's part of the part of the history as it were .
9 It 's part it 's part of your pack Desmond , I gave you papers and you should have in it erm
10 At the moment they 're just a voluntary body , but it looks as though works councils will become mandatory for eleven of the twelve states in the E C , with the implementation very soon of the European Social Works Council Directive , Britain as usual being the odd one out , because of course it 's part of the Social Chapter .
11 Remember that champions must be equipped in the same manner as the regiment they are part of .
12 No doubt it is part of the function of the national court to assess the strength of the challenge to the national law in question , and to weigh both the possibility of damage in the interim to the subject if the law in question is enforced against him , and the possibility of damage to the public interest if the law is not so enforced .
13 Because , have no doubt , it is our problem , since , to quote an old saying , ‘ If you are n't part of the solution you 're part of the problem . ’
14 If you 're white , you 're not part of the solution you 're part of the problem …
15 Thoughtful people who are not able to buy the simplistic analysis are written off with contemptuous slogans like ‘ If you are n't part of the solution you are part of the problem ’ .
16 To the extent that individuals and organisations still support or tolerate meat consumption , to that extent they are part of the moral problem , not part of the moral solution .
17 But it must never be forgotten that , if this happens , it happens by accident : it can be no part of the system that pupils should be entered for a test because of the age they are or the class they are part of .
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