Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] be [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But of course I was back and forth .
2 I ca n't feel enthusiastic about the government training course I 'm on and although I have a nice boyfriend , I 'm trying to finish the relationship .
3 Of course I 'm not because you 're at work
4 Oh going back to the apprenticeship you were more or less left as you stood because I I thought that journeymen were very what 's the word very er they were only too willing to let you know what was going on and when you think about it you can see why .
5 You got be an hour , an hour and a half arter you were home afore you could leave them .
6 When he or she does we ask for details like what club they are in and what experience they 've had ’ .
7 The car 's hydraulics soughed as they tried to compensate for the sudden shift of the bubble but against that gale they were all but useless , and the bubble-canopy clanged on the car 's shell .
8 I swear to you that when I kissed you in Ib 's Club it was simply because I could n't resist the temptation .
9 This is the Central Television Percy Thrower Trophy , very handsome trophy it is too and it 's going to be presented to the best gardener around here ; that 's after the break .
10 If she did sense an added aura of poignancy it was probably because in less than two weeks Tivoli would close its turnstiles and remain dormant until its spring awakening at the end of the following April .
11 At this lowest level of British industry it is almost as though struggles are not expected to occur , let alone be won .
12 ‘ expose your person ’ This point is proved by describing the penis fully and stating what condition it was in as outlined at point 2 ante .
13 The areas of experience necessary for the full satisfaction of the Test requirements have proven very difficult to acquire over the two-year period , since what is available to the candidate is conditional upon the type of practice he is in and the volume and the quality or variety of commissions received .
14 Sir John condemned large advances for authors as ‘ sheer folly ’ ( although he admitted that while they were still common practice he was more than happy to receive one ) , and wondered whether as more publishers ‘ linked into bookshops ’ EPOS systems via EDI there would still be a long-term need for wholesalers ’ .
15 There are a lot of people saying that Mike Martin Pipe is not the force he was etcetera but there 's been a change of policy down at and if anyone thinks that Pipe has lost his touch they 're talking twaddle .
16 Well , whenever women are at a disadvantage it is usually because somebody has put them there .
17 She snuggled down beneath the duvet , desperately trying not to think that just a short while ago it had been wrapped round his powerful body , but as she turned her face into the pillow she was all but overwhelmed by the scent of him — a clean , heady , masculine smell that owed nothing to any kind of artificial fragrance .
18 Whatever mood you are in when you arrive at HCI 's Club Romantica … you can be sure that within a few minutes you 'll feel at home in this pretty village of chalet bungalows surrounded by trees and flowers .
19 You show grandma what a big boy you are tonight and you talk to her nicely on the phone and you
20 If the law of economic torts is in a mess it is largely because of uncertainty over what constitutes unlawful means .
21 I ca n't speak for everyone , but whenever I find myself eating in a pub it 's usually because raging hunger has overcome the judgement of discriminating palate .
22 I mean it 's not a major issue I mean it is an issue it 's not a major issue it 's just that there have been one or two occasions like where we have cross purposes but considering you know they are a relatively minor tour operator I would n't want that to muddy the water because that was just just erm a misunderstanding .
23 When a pope next called a Council it was only because the French king , then at war with the papacy , had called one of his own .
24 Drama , inevitably , is more culturally specialized by language , but in many of its other elements of movement and scene it is widely and inherently accessible , as is clear in mime and was very evident in the silent film .
25 If you played it out to the left of the fairway it was down-wind and a difficult shot .
26 It 's really annoying , he 's not like that at home it 's just that Pip I think Pip intimidates him
27 It was for you , Ma , in case you were out when we got back . "
28 And of course you are right that this must be about happiness . ’
29 The women protested , but in a moment I was upright and swaying around .
30 He poured his mother 's ashes in the place she is now and I am absolutely positive that he knows now she is not coming back . ’
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