Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [modal v] [to-vb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I was playing last night Got ta learn this album I used to have ages and ages ago fucking .
2 It was just one tactic she used to ensure negotiations with Prince Charles 's lawyers stayed secret .
3 We never had this problem years ago , I mean it 's only do-gooders who stopped the stuff we used to use years ago which was a reasonable price , who 's caused all these problems .
4 Servants from these houses regularly flushed out the sewers with the water they used to wash clothes so the streets did not reek as they did in Southwark .
5 Er every night they used to play cards and when I was eighteen my father made me learn cards .
6 Because another one was er we come down the houses in here , empty houses and in , in the summer they used to grow flowers , Marguerites , and we used to go in the backyard , we were n't supposed to , er and cut these flowers and make them into bunches and , and sell them for tuppence and thruppence a bunch .
7 But only last year she used to spend hours weeping on the floor of her flat because she thought her career was n't getting anywhere .
8 He flies a plane in the same way he used to sack quarterbacks ! ’
9 ‘ A chap I used to know years ago . ’
10 ‘ On medieval Earth they used to label maps with ‘ Here Be Dragons ’ .
11 Attached to the ring was the piece of wire he used to pick locks .
12 At one time he used to spend winters with Lord Henry in a little house in Algiers , but now he no longer travelled outside England .
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