Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [to-vb] his " in BNC.

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1 He blocks any attempt she makes to discover his role or intentions in all this .
2 Then the actor told his agent he wanted to see his name up in lights at the cinema .
3 At half-time he tried to encourage his players by reshuffling his forwards , but they never regained their form .
4 With the strength that can come only from fear he managed to draw his legs up until his heels were touching his buttocks .
5 Yanto took her hand , and with his help she began to undo his fly buttons .
6 And perhaps through the drinking he sought to meet his father of whom he spoke so little and to whom it seemed , the older he grew , he meant so little .
7 Terrible neuralgic pains which troubled him throughout this period were the mirror of his inward distress , and the large doses of laudanum he took to relieve his symptoms , a portent for the future .
8 Being a 110 per cent cricketer he wanted to leave his problems 5,000 miles away in England and bury his attentions in the game that has won him glory .
9 This was but a temporary setback , for after a rest and a defeat on his return he proceeded to win his next nine races , completely outclassing his rivals at distances from nine furlongs to two and a quarter miles .
10 At any moment she expected to hear his voice behind her , calling her back .
11 Even within the community he preferred to give his advice in writing .
12 After the war he returned to farm his estate in Wales .
13 He was conversing merrily in English at a reception during the European Cup meeting , but several weeks later in Rome when confronted by the television team he seemed to lose his linguistic powers .
14 This gives the Christian all the incentive he needs to fill his mind with Bible doctrine .
15 The ghost plot — Swayze gets killed , and before he can go off to heaven he has to save his girlfriend Demi Moore from the bad guys — is really just a gimmick , there to dress up the standard Swayze package with a few special effects and an impossibly sentimental ending .
16 It took all the courage he had to thrust his head and shoulders into the mouth of that entrance , but he closed his eyes and twisted and turned and after a time tumbled out into a great stone chamber , lit with a soft light of its own that dimmed the glitter of his shining key .
17 ‘ Every night I try to open his bedroom door .
18 Any minute she expected to feel his hand on her breast .
19 So the next day she decided to ask his advice .
20 While he went to get her a glass of freshly squeezed lemon and lime juice she tried to resent his patronising amusement , but failed to summon up enough ill-feeling to do so .
21 ROCKER Mike Oldfield flew straight into trouble the day he decided to cure his fear of flying by buying a plane .
22 After a while he seemed to recognise his whereabouts and closed his eyes .
23 He looked exhausted , and Juliet had to subdue the sudden urge she felt to stroke his drawn face .
24 And at the back of his mind , knowing that Jean-Paul had never married and seemed unlikely to , knowing that he himself had met no woman he wished to make his wife , he thought : Grégoire could be my heir .
25 In agreeing to obey his decision they agreed to follow his judgment of the balance of reasons rather than their own .
26 Had she been asked the same question in different surroundings her amazement might have been tempered with doubt that Nahum Morey was in his right mind , but in this confined space she began to share his conviction that they had been drawn together by their various needs .
27 He did n't answer immediately and in the half-light she tried to examine his features .
28 The traffic began to move again at that point , though , and to Jessamy 's relief he had to give his attention to the road ahead .
29 As editor of The Colonial Magazine , Kingston 's Magazine and The Union Jack ( the last-named started in 1880 , the year of his death , and taken over by Henty ) , Kingston could claim all the space he needed to express his views on the importance of colonisation and use the experience he gained from working for the Colonial Land and Emigration Board .
30 On the 12th green second time around he was so far from the hole he decided to use his wedge instead of his putter and took a six-inch divot out of the hallowed ground .
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