Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 With guidance she picked a long , beaded dress with a side split and see-through sleeves , which she wore to a special anniversary dinner .
2 ‘ After seeing the PM you took a long leave and then came back .
3 Just to be on the safe side we had a long rope attached to the raft and tied round a tree on the bank so that if the Indians lost control the rope would pull it to a stop .
4 In the upstairs passage she opened the long case clock , knowing very well it was broken , that the weights had not descended for years and the hands remained at twenty to one .
5 In the hall she wraps a long scarf round her neck and puts on a cream-coloured quilted cotton jacket , with wide shoulders and inset sleeves , and lets herself out by the front door .
6 In the secondary sector they have a long history of influence as local employers .
7 Some pact they made a long time ago . ’
8 Back in the cottage she took a long , hot bath , but the water failed to ease the tension in her body , even though she lay there for what seemed like an eternity , trying to will away the effects of the afternoon .
9 When she went shopping to the town she wore a long , voluminous , dark-grey cloak of which she was very proud .
10 Fe climb me family tree yu need a long ladder ,
11 On the fourth day he received a long chatty letter from Eleanor .
12 And this morning I had a long talk with my mother . ’
13 I well remember our first night with the aid of father-in-law we spent a long day moving ourselves in .
14 At any rate it took a long time to synthesize .
15 But it 's like pouring kettles of hot water into a cold bath it takes a long time for them to make an impression . ’
16 In the third year they take two full-year courses , two one-term options , and in addition they write a long essay on a selected topic .
17 When he had vanished from sight she expelled a long sigh and allowed the mask to slip away from her face , slowing returning to her towel and lying down flat on it .
18 He had a taxi waiting , and on arrival we found a long cloth-draped table in the centre of the room , around which were seated what seemed to be the entire Chinese population of the city — some 30 Chinese , mainly from laundries and restaurants .
19 I thought that was a lesson we learnt a long time ago ! ’
20 In this report we assess the long term ( 5–7 year ) survival , exercise capacity , perceived quality of life , and employment in these 18 patients .
21 In his right hand he carried a long machete , but it was the crazed look in his eyes that really shook the young policeman .
22 Over her orange-blossom headdress she had a long flowing veil which flowed down her back ; her dress of white satin rustled and crinkled as she walked .
23 Educated privately at her homes at Parkwern and Hendrefoilan she inherited a long family tradition of unorthodox and innovative ideas .
24 He wanted to call her ‘ Mam ’ , the way he had a long time ago , but she said it made her feel middle-aged and dull and ordinary , so he must never say it again , especially when other people were around .
25 Some of them you remember the table we had a long time ago showing the reactivity of different elements , particularly the metals when we were looking at metals .
26 Part of the lease Arthur signed guaranteed him his brewing water free of tax or pipe money , and in this regard he had a long standing feud with the city authorities which lasted over twenty years .
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