Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ T was to stop you becoming completely distraught , but I was afraid to look at you , afraid to come to you that night in case I saw fear or revulsion in your eyes . ’
2 At present I run evening and day classes in Devon as well as weekend workshops all over the British Isles .
3 Clutched tightly to the breast of a Shetland sweater I took breath and screamed .
4 As a Trainer she brought enthusiasm and inspiration to the courses held there , and with boundless energy she taught at courses and rallies all over the country .
5 you 'd have to be study you know time and that there , ooh I know it 's a grand thing is education lessons , but
6 In the preternatural green light she watched oak and elm slide into vision , growing at a fantastic pace , their branches reaching , entwining .
7 In a mechanical relaxation experiment we estimate stress and strain from observations of the loads and displacements on the specimen , making the assumptions of specimen homogeneity and a linear stress-strain relation .
8 ( a ) On a single-address computer with one accumulator we find load and store instructions , perhaps with variations which interpret the value being transferred ( for example , load absolute value ) .
9 In this study we measured adenylate and guanylate cyclase activities and cyclic nucleotide values in the biopsy specimens of duodenal mucosa from patients with untreated and treated coeliac disease .
10 With a vigour amounting to tactlessness they put dissension and argument into film debate , too long overshadowed by blind acceptance of yesteryear 's taste .
11 In the short term they need assurance that the payment for past services will be forthcoming .
12 As far as property damage is concerned , the provisions are really aimed at the consumer market , so , if you buy a home computer as a Christmas present for your uncle and because of a fault it catches fire and causes £1,500 of damage to his house , then your uncle will have a claim under the 1987 Act against the manufacturer of the computer for the damage to the house and furniture .
13 After the break he resumed work and continued until two-thirty in the afternoon when it was the end of the day as far as the horses were concerned .
14 It finished up with one erm very relevant , relevant to this class , quotation erm ca n't remember the last part of it though , he was talking about the Indian , that he had a , talking about it and saying voodism catholism and then the next stage erm which I ca n't remember the word but in effect it meant co-operation and you ca n't get that it seems to me unless you have a , a change of vision , change in erm not just in society but in people because this is where it starts .
15 When your skin becomes damaged by sunburn it loses heat and moisture more easily and when it is extensive then sunstroke follows when someone is dehydrated and lacking salt .
16 He knew at once of a house to let for a whole year , the owners being abroad and failing to let it before they left last month and seeing my condition he took pity and had the caretaker prevailed upon to come to me at his premises .
17 ( Incidentally , by editor I mean programme or news editor .
18 Halfway through a session she invites husband and wife to change chairs and pretend to be each other .
19 Naturally , in football management you expect ridicule and criticism , and you must always rise above it , especially if it is constructive , but this poor excuse for a handkerchief seems obsessed not with football but with my receding hairline , e.g. the ‘ Spot The Baldy ’ competition on page two , and with making juvenile remarks about my beer gut .
20 They spend much of their leisure time down in Dorset , walking or bird-watching ; at home they enjoy gardening or relaxing — Pauline 's favourite way is to sit down with her knitting in front of the television .
21 A high powered Sierra was careering down a steep hill in Wotton under Edge.When the driver reached the bottom he lost control and ploughed into the women who 'd just got out of their parked cars .
22 As St Petersburg airport called him with take-off clearance he applied power and started to roll .
23 and on his law he meditates day and night .
24 Even in rehearsal it requires stamina and dedication to make it appear so smooth .
25 Among a certain type he invited violence but was protected from this by the proximity of Ricky Stride whose physique gave him the appearance of a bodyguard .
26 In his dream he felt relief because she had n't died , because it had all been some other dream , because she was smiling in the sunshine .
27 As an intermediary he offered liquidity and unrivalled knowledge of both sides of the market .
28 To make helium requires both protons and neutrons , so instead of hydrogen you use deuterium or ‘ heavy hydrogen ’ whose nucleus consists of a proton and a neutron tightly gripped without any electrical disruption .
29 acid and a base and we get salt and water , try alkali and a base you get salt and water so they 're very similar reaction , the base and the acid and the alkali and the acid .
30 ‘ We 'll speak English for Ronni 's sake , unless of course you speak Italian or Spanish ? ’
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