Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [noun sg] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Maxim thought briefly about a pun on Ray Nance , then just smiled into his beer : in a pub he felt duty bound to drink beer , although it certainly was n't English ( ‘ With all those lovely vitamins floating around in it , damn it , you can see them , ’ as a fellow officer newly back from the USA had put it ) .
2 At this point I feel honour bound to remind Mister C that he 's talking to a journalist , that what might be an affectionate insult from his friends will probably piss him off massively when he sees it in print .
3 When I entered our room I found Mum had down two more vases and was sorting out a pile of pawn tickets .
4 Gran destroyed everything the minute she heard Father had died . ’
5 At his conference that morning he said unemployment had cost £17bn .
6 in his arms and treat and Mr Bumble rushed into the room with great excitement and addressed the gentleman in the high chair said I beg your pardon sir , Oliver Twist has asked for more , there was a for more said compose yourself Bumble and do I understand that he asked for more after he 'd eaten supper he did sir replied Bumble , that boy would be hung I know that boy will be hung
7 Art had always tried to give back what he had gained in life , he felt grateful for what he felt he had to be given , some said he 'd achieved a great deal , but in his heart he felt fate had dealt him with him gently and you have to make the most of the lo of the card life deals you .
8 ‘ Well , what if the lot I put back did n't reach the reserve price I decided to put on it ? ’
9 The hierarchical kind of organization we call bureaucracy did not emerge accidentally .
10 But before that time I guess father did n't leave the island .
11 When this attack came , Jack called an ambulance , but by the time they arrived Dad had come round and was violently opposed to going into hospital .
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