Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] have [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 SPOT CHECKS on MOT garages have shown up a series of rogue mechanics who break rules and cheat the system .
2 Several research groups have carried out experiments designed to distinguish between a composite wave function of the two particles and a simple product ( New Scientist , vol 85 , p 746 ) .
3 Since 1965 spring sea-watches have recorded up to 290 ( average 70 ) birds passing along the coast between early March and late May ; the latest spring date was 30 May .
4 Up and down the country , Opposition Front-Benchers have come out with protestations about what they will give this , that and the other interest group ; the document will make clear the order of priorities , and will begin to explain how the expenditure will be paid for .
5 I was very pleased with the finished result , but I must confess , after wearing it several times , a few of the cut floats have worked through to the front .
6 With the breakdown of the administration , crime syndicates have come up in a big way .
7 The ramshackle Whitley Council negotiating machinery is the other reason why the ambulance workers have lost out .
8 The practice of medicine has always depended on nursing , and the therapy professions have grown up to supply new kinds of skills .
9 Equity investors have made up the difference .
10 Nearly-legendary Darlington saxophonist Steve Bone and his new band the Jazz Providers have lined up two residencies .
11 The argument runs that annuity rates have come down ( which they have done ) and that , therefore , they will go back up again ( which they might do , or they might go down further ) .
12 Judo Club members have gone on to achieve competition success at Scottish national level , and even further afield .
13 have already been caught in matches , and pleasure anglers have taken up to 300 pounds in a day .
14 Many students of engineering and other professional or semi-professional fields were in the past part-time not full-time , and sandwich courses have grown out of a long tradition of first night-school , then day release and then block release — a pattern associated in the post-war period mainly with the non-university sector .
15 Stock analysts have written down the bank 's net asset value by a correspondingly precise sum .
16 Doctors and Opposition politicians have spelled out why Britain can not afford to lose Bart 's .
17 Investment analysts have come up with the following forecasts for earnings growth :
18 Up to 20 of the bogus MOT certificates have turned up across the province in the last year , prompting a major investigation by detectives .
19 ‘ Esop fable ’ ( May ) correctly suggests that employee share ownership plans have got off to a slow start .
20 New York-based RAM Mobile Data Inc and Mobile Data Turnkey Solutions have teamed up to offer Dispatcher , a Windows-based fleet despatch application for use on RAM 's mobile data network : the system consists of personal computer software and Millidyne STX 4000 mobile data terminals which are mounted in each driver 's vehicle ; drivers can use the system to report position and status , while controllers can see status reports ; all message transactions are recorded , and there is also a message store capability .
21 Top equity and foreign exchange dealers have picked up a minimum of £200,000 before bonuses and perks — the real whiz-kids making upwards of £300,000 .
22 Most campaign committees have signed up their volunteers by December , but you can still help by making donations of the following :
23 In the report it says that home repossessions have gone up in the last 12 months .
24 Commons curry eaters have dined out together for many years , according to Tory MP and founder member Emma Nicholson .
25 As benefit payments have gone up , phenomenal amounts of tax and national insurance revenue from employees and employers have vanished .
26 I follow the I follow the er the point , but the thing that puzzles me is that your South Ryedale local plan allocations have arisen out of the discussions on the Greater York study , yes ?
27 As one of the few African bands to make a lasting impression on the shores of the UK , the Bhundu Boys have built up a strong following .
28 Mention is made of how in the viewing of the mountains " … it is to be seen how the very naturall working of those flood falling from the height in winter stormes have broken down & worn such rifts & slitts in the rocks as hereby the dead leaders or mettall finnes or vaine have appeared unto us above ground which before were hid by the earth & stones formerly covring the rocks some 2 or 3 fathomes deep … "
29 I mean , we 're buying coal which is subsidised abroad so therefore it 's cheaper for us to buy it and bring it in , but what happens when all , all our home supplies have dried up
30 The clothing and electronics factories have closed down in the Northeast , and the shifts specially designed for mothers , the part-time and twilight , were the first to go .
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