Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] he [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Jack and the 70-year-old Helga Maria slipped out of Whitby Harbour on Tuesday after the skipper told harbour authorities he wanted to test the engines .
2 So in 1950 the American , Hillary Waugh , impressed by a volume of real murder cases he had picked up , not so much because of the horrific details the author had dwelt on as by the tone of authenticity that seemed to arise naturally from the accounts of the cases , decided to write a fictional crime story catching as much as he could of this real-life feel .
3 Peter Samuel of Kingfisher , who quoted the names of nine search firms he had employed ( including two major international consultancies , Heidrick and Struggles and Norman Broadbent ) , argued that he used both large and small firms because of the variety of assignments he handled .
4 The opposition leaders he met agreed that the question of reunification of Germany was not one for the German people alone , but was the rightful concern of their European neighbours .
5 Najibullah refused to identify the opposition leaders he had met , but it was believed that they included the leading National Islamic Front ( NIF ) moderate Pir Sayed Ahmed Gailani and Seghbatullah Mujjaddedi , the president of the Pakistan-based Afghan Interim Government ( AIG — see p. 36449 ) , as well as two men linked with ex-king Mohammad Zahir Shah , namely his close confidant and former Prime Minister Mohammad Yusuf and the ex-king 's son-in-law , Gen. Abdul Wali Khan .
6 Towards the end of the 19th century , in 1894 , former College Principal James Beart Simonds published in his old age a series of biographical sketches of some College teachers he had known .
7 Now he checked with the policeman whose beat took him down Glenfair Road , the main thoroughfare into which Boundary Drive ran ; The list of car numbers he had noted that evening for one reason or another was unproductive .
8 The conc areas he had arranged conflicted severely with the dispositions of our own Bde , and he was ordered to assemble the whole force in a camp at VIKTRING .
9 Impressed by the Boy Scouts he had encountered , Mr. Shaw resolved to start a troop at his school , and when the pupils returned to school after the summer holidays in August 1910 , the Royal Cross School Troop was formed , followed shortly afterwards by the Royal Cross School Guides Troop .
10 Every three months or so I 'd clear it of all the wonder remedies he 'd accumulated , but within a week he 'd have discovered some other miracle medicine .
11 Quite unlike the dry , academic , sexless lady consultants he had met before .
12 By ‘ all ’ she meant the rest of the staff at the shop and the myriad friends he seemed to have wherever he went .
13 When Eliot became a Christian in 1927 he declared that he found in reading Paul Elmer More , with whose Shelburne Essays he had shown familiarity in 1916 , the work of someone who had travelled by almost the same route , to virtually the same conclusions .
14 By heavy amercements and by imprisonment he had compelled the regarders to make their regard in the ‘ purlieus ’ — that is , in districts which had been disafforested ; he had prevented the forest inhabitants from exercising their rights , even those conceded by royal charter and writs , unless they paid fines therefor before the Forest justices , and at Forest inquests he had compelled Forest officers and juries , under threat of imprisonment , to indict persons whom they knew to be innocent .
15 He would imagine the dead bodies of some pop stars he had admired , his mother , and a few pets he had owned as a boy .
16 It had meant nothing at first , but then he had thought to try it as an entry code to some of the secret Ping Tiao computer networks he had discovered weeks before but had failed to penetrate .
17 ‘ Yes , I have , have n't I , ’ he had agreed cheerfully , clearly pleased at the speedy , efficient response to the phone calls he 'd made from the Meadowses ' ranch house the day before .
18 Green was not satisfied with his output , and after completing the Guide Books he intended to publish a series of studies on the neighbourhood of Kendal , centred around the Castle .
19 Like the time she 'd found Will Pegg 's pockets full of iron nails he 'd filched from Samson .
20 Although Creggan had progressed northwards well he had slowed during the last day or two as he grew tired easily and rested by feeding off rubbish dumps he had seen where gulls and crows fed .
21 His pattern of personal leadership , as revealed by the Cabinet committees he chose to chair himself , reinforces the standard interpretation of him as a man more at ease with overseas than with domestic policy .
22 Otto turned out to have measureless charm and the most courteous manner , and in slow , correct English told us of how he had perfected his tactics in Baltic exercises before the war , how he had put them into practice in the Atlantic , and how , on the night after his capture , he had played bridge in the day-cabin of Captain Macintyre with one of the ship 's lieutenants and the captains of two merchant ships he had sunk , and then slept ( for Captain Macintyre was in his sea-cabin ) in Captain Macintyre 's bunk .
23 The homework lessons he 'd brought with him did n't find a great deal of favour in her eyes .
24 Now , it is true that Byrne was a case , unlike the present , where the section 7(4) procedure came into play , not for any of the reasons specified in section 7(3) , but because the driver was entitled under what is now section 8(2) to claim that the breath specimens he had given be replaced ‘ by such specimen as may be required under section 7(4) . ’
25 Hyatt in particular argued that the fossil invertebrates he studied showed patterns of progressive , Lamarckian evolution followed by an inexorable decline into racial senility and extinction .
26 The old man said they were love songs he had written when young , but they seemed to be by Robert Burns as far as Nigel could remember .
27 Mariscotti was intrigued and as there are no government archives he had to piece the story together .
28 President Patricio Aylwin Azócar stated on Nov. 6 that Army appointments he had made on Oct. 31 could " not be contested constitutionally " and that Pinochet was " finding it hard to play the role he chose , that of Army C.-in-C. , subordinate to the President " .
29 Robinson Crusoe was far too busy cultivating his island on the basis of hard work helped by all the capital goods he had salvaged from the shipwreck to have any time for fairy stories .
30 The telling recalled with violent clarity horrors he wanted to forget .
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