Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] and that it " in BNC.

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1 A further point is that the Shotgun model includes a large number of carrier variables and that it is worth further investigation to see if a more parsimonious model provides a satisfactory relationship .
2 Make sure food is as free as possible from food poisoning organisms and that it is handled hygienically at all times — see Good Food Handling Guide on p 6&7 .
3 I hope that the hon. Gentleman is aware of the fact that unemployment has been rising in most European Community countries and that it is higher than it was a year ago in every EFTA and G7 country .
4 She excused his erratic behaviour because she assumed it was linked to business pressures and that it was part of the aggressive masculinity which she prized .
5 Barnard considered that the energy introduced into the homoeopathic potency during the succussion process stabilized the arrangement of the water polymers and that it was these shape-specific polymers which were built up and passed on from one potency to the next .
6 and used steel cans and that it was costing them less to use that than it was to use
7 And when he pointed out that these were Irish , not British Trade unions they were talking about , it was sadly admitted that the English disease had poisoned the minds of many impressionable Irish trade unionists and that it would of course take time entirely to eradicate malign English influences from the land of Saints and Scholars .
8 She said she was driving an ambulance in the air raids and that it was very exciting but dreadfully tiring ; sometimes she went to bed after breakfast and slept until evening .
9 A simpler interpretation is that the experimenters have rediscovered what Lashley ( 1950 ) showed many years ago , that partial removal of the cortical area to which the dorsal lateral geniculate body projects , has remarkably little effect on simple form discrimination tasks and that it is only when the entire cortical projection zone is removed that severe deficits , detectable in the simple behavioural paradigms we use , emerge .
10 On March 12 the UN Security Council responded to Aziz by reiterating that Iraq had " not yet complied fully and unconditionally " with Gulf ceasefire resolutions and that it " must immediately take the appropriate actions in this regard " .
11 I knew that it made , besides such things as textiles , the remarkable Oerlikon guns and that it was part of the Oerlikon-Buhrle Group , employing some 40 000 people , mostly in Europe , but also in the US and Japan .
12 It is I would suggest similarly evident that P P G seven expects most new development in rural areas to be directed to rural villages and small country towns and that it should be sensitively related to existing settlement patterns under the historic wildlife and landscape resources of the area .
13 Kidd reflects that at the time he was not given the unqualified support by other members of P-E who felt that the search approach was still inappropriate for a consulting firm with resident consultants on client premises and that it could injure the firm 's consulting practice .
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