Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 A careful rearrangement of field patterns may actually enhance the natural contours of the landscape and , although the indigenous wildlife may be seriously affected , the ‘ new agricultural landscapes ’ may be both functional and aesthetically pleasing .
2 Since the distortion leads to a level of work that is lower than the socially efficient amount , cutting income taxes would also increase the amount of work done in the economy .
3 Moreover , pulling the foil tops off the spray containers can be very awkward with gloved hands , as many sprayer operators will ruefully admit .
4 Election experts could legitimately point to the fact that a system of proportional voting could have given a very different result .
5 In addition to filter feeding and photosynthesis , mushroom anemones can also absorb proteins and other food molecules directly from the water surrounding them .
6 For these , the board minutes could only record highly abbreviated abstracts .
7 And although Siegel 's results demonstrate convincingly that response strategies can indeed transfer from one discrimination to another , they can not show that such strategies are the sole source of the transfer effects seen in his experiment .
8 Without a stronger espousal of INSET practices , a greater knowledge of general education strategies in staff development and a clearer consensus about which arts teaching and curriculum strategies will best serve the interests of pupil 's education , arts education must continue to languish in its present marginalized position .
9 New guidelines just issued by the government mean that the NCC and national park authorities will soon have to pay landowners huge amounts of compensation if they want to preserve scientifically valuable sites from intensive farming .
10 User groups can now get updated information weekly , or even daily , as they require .
11 The season ticket agreement John Horscroft and Pat Shilland hope climbers will avidly welcome ever more firmly establishes that climbers should be asked to pay for their climbing .
12 The National Curriculum subjects will therefore have to be given priority for resources , especially where schools have not offered the full curriculum to all pupils , or in primary schools which may have done little science and technology .
13 oral assessment methods should both reflect and promote the variety of classroom activities recommended in this Report ;
14 But at the moment small primary schools may well look at the opting out procedure , and I would have to say to you that in many cases those very small primary schools are receiving , by the wish of the Council , a very substantial subsidy from the Local Education Authority in the manner in which they are funded and
15 ( 5 ) The fraud or dishonesty of the vendor In addition to fraud and dishonesty insurers will specifically exclude liability for the wilful failure by the vendor to disclose matters of which it had actual knowledge .
16 On the other hand , the base weights can quickly become irrelevant in a dynamic economy ( see 1 above ) .
17 Garter snakes could almost have been made for the purpose , being undemanding in their housing and dietary requirements , harmless and relatively simple to breed in captivity … certainly less problematic than any lizard .
18 It might be possible to aid recall by giving serotonin or another stimulant — and the neural cell cultures will certainly allow scientists to experiment with more drugs .
19 Even if all new infections were stopped in their tracks now , total AIDS cases would still quadruple by the year 2000 and women are being affected ‘ enormously ’ , said Dr Michael Merson , executive director of the WHO global programme on AIDS .
20 Fertilization in vitro will improve the synchrony of cleavage to the 2-cell stage , however intrinsic heterogeneity in cleavage times will probably necessitate resynchronization to each subsequent cell division .
21 Doctors on fixed term contracts will never reach the pinnacle of understanding that can sometimes bring true but unmeasurable quality to a consultation .
22 Any readers who want to collect aluminium cans can either send them to me or contact local scrap metal dealers and take them there , where they can then donate the cash to a charity of their own choice .
23 In addition , Urban Programme authorities will also benefit from Trade and Industry incentives : in such areas , two-thirds of marketing , design , management and manufacturing consultancy costs will be paid .
24 Members of the non-TUC Association of Professional Ambulance Personnel will today begin receiving ballot forms and a letter from their ruling body explaining why APAP leaders agreed to recommend acceptance of an 18-month , 9 per cent deal thrown out by other unions .
25 Thus the load in the whole of the cut chains may well have to pass through the single bond which closes the tip of the crack ( Id ) .
26 Nevertheless it has proved difficult to establish whether the resulting volume changes are sufficient to shatter rock , even in desert environments where diumal temperature ranges on rock surfaces can easily exceed 30 C. Since rock is a poor conductor of heat a thermal gradient is created when the surface is warmed .
27 If the approach of the NIRC in Winsper is followed , the detailed provisions of rule books will seriously limit the operation of sections dealing with protection against unfair dismissal .
28 Car drivers will now have to negotiate the dangers of an access road hidden by a bend on a hill .
29 Quicker thinking readers will probably have noticed what I did n't , which is that the first appearance of ‘ adverb ’ is a mistaken correction by a typesetter or proofreader of the correctly wrong ‘ abverb ’ .
30 Possible future labour shortages may also affect the formal care sector .
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