Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [vb mod] [not/n't] make " in BNC.

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1 So a policy of making them pay , sit down and shut up at football matches will not make any difference .
2 Exodus for rock AMERICAN rockers Aerosmith are to play a one-off concert at the Point Depot , Dublin , on October 27 — but the driven rock stars ca n't make it to Belfast either .
3 She stood up suddenly , so that she could stamp the floor , annoyed because tennis shoes could n't make a big enough noise to suit her fury .
4 Of course there was nothing to guarantee that the soup you were canning would measure up to the quality or taste of Mother 's , nor that other soup canners would not make the same sales appeal .
5 Before punchcard systems came in , single bed machines could not make lace automatically , the stitch transference had to be hand tooled .
6 Even retrofitting of flue gas desulphurisation at the big coal stations would not make them more expensive than some gas burn .
7 The Minister purported to give guidance , the effect of which was , that social fund officers must not make payments which would result in the budget being exceeded .
8 With this in mind , when considering situations where there are questions about very long term service lives , I suggest that current construction methods should not make it too difficult to incorporate any presently unthought of developments that might materialise in the future — be this in 20 or even 100 years time !
9 A CHIMPANZEE financial whizzkid that has beaten stock market experts could not make a monkey of British share analysts yesterday .
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