Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [vb base] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These difficulties are compounded by the fact that industrialisation policies have their own dynamic in each sector and by foreign lenders ' intervention in domestic policy .
2 Stringent targets relating to carbon dioxide , sulphur dioxide and nox emissions make it difficult for coal to compete with other fuels , especially in power generation .
3 As with TA , unless you are fond of playing with computer programmes ask someone more expert to set up CC for you .
4 No magick Baths employ her skilful Hand ,
5 The words of Hansard speak little , but the Division lists say it all : they are padded with payroll .
6 Returners often express difficulties in knowing where to begin , on which books to buy and which to borrow. , Some course tutors supply their own introductory reading lists , and most specify ‘ musts ’ such as the UKCC Code of Professional Conduct ; but others will arrange an early library session so that you are free to browse and survey what is available locally .
7 while a crowd of Saturday afternoon shoppers laugh themselves sick
8 Not every piece of social research has a very strongly theoretical aspect to it and many of the more ‘ applied ’ research projects have their greatest value in clarifying limited areas of behaviour where people had not been absolutely sure what the real position was .
9 The nature of the backward and forward linkages in many external development and investment programmes make them inappropriate , on their own , as a means of tackling the problems of DRAs .
10 Gypsy violins cast their eerie spell as a host of models and popular personalities camped and cavorted their way along an interminable red-carpeted runway on Sunday evening .
11 Many organisations including salary clubs , salary survey producers and even the specialist relocation companies produce their own statistics on cost of living .
12 Alpine fold mountains make its northern and western land frontiers .
13 By practice banks withdraw their callable funds with the discount house by 12 noon , but they may offer their surpluses to them up until the close of business in the afternoon .
14 Strong wind conditions affect your short game as well .
15 The Charity Household Survey , the Family Expenditure Survey and Inland Revenue figures give us some rough guide .
16 Money may have disappeared down a black hole ( the budget was $40m according to Hurd , though industry sources put it nearer $50m ) , but it has all been spent on spectacle , not marquee names : Ed Harris ( from Jacknife ) and Mary Elizabeth Mastroantonio star as an oil-rig foreman and the project engineer , both brought in to rescue a striken nuclear submarine .
17 Data from readership surveys make it possible to measure cost per thousand readers for most major publications , not merely against the adult population as a whole but against sub-groups of the population .
18 Club members ask me all kinds of health questions .
19 If the blood tests show anything specific that we need to get back to you on , we will contact you directly .
20 OPEC 's overall average production in March had been 23,200,000 bpd , according to Subroto , although some industry estimates put it nearer 23,500,000 bpd .
22 For instance parents need their own transport .
23 The criminal law sees only some types of property deprivation as robbery or theft ; it excludes , for example , the separation of consumers and part of their money that follows manufacturers ' malpractices or advertisers ' misrepresentations ; it excludes shareholders losing their money because managers behaved in ways which they thought would be to the advantage of shareholders even though the only tangible benefits accrued to the managers ( Hopkins 1980b ) ; it excludes the extra tax citizens , in this or other countries , have to pay because : ( i ) corporations and the very wealthy are able to employ financial experts at discovering legal loopholes through which money can be safely transported to tax havens ; ( ii ) Defence Department officials have been bribed to order more expensive weaponry systems or missiles in ‘ excess ’ of those ‘ needed ’ ; ( iii ) multinational drug companies charge our National Health Services prices which are estimated to be at least , £50 millions in excess of alternative supplies .
24 there is a long history of decentralised management in the field of housing where local offices on council estates have their own budgets for minor repairs .
25 There has been no love lost between Scots and English at big sporting occasions for as long as one can remember , but it seems that England 's rugby aficionados find it hard to forgive Scotland for that Grand Slam defeat in 1990 .
26 The ITC guidelines make it clear that it does n't see ‘ sanitised ’ violence as innocuous and Ferman expresses greater concern about Lethal Weapon 2 than Reservoir Dogs .
27 I seem to remember hearing that the ‘ proper ’ fantasy leagues give you some sort of bonus points if your defenders kept a clean sheet .
28 Meaning , my husband 's weekly lunch bills exceed your monthly income .
29 In that cohort , council tenants have their first child much sooner after marriage than owner occupiers ( median interval thirteen months compared with thirty months ) and also have their third births much sooner after their second .
30 Men find work problems keep them awake , while women worry about family troubles .
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