Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [conj] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I mean we ca n't go into the private market and expect them or asking them to provide houses erm affordable houses as I say the question is what 's an affordable house , who 's got the money to buy the house I would presume , but obviously we know the situation is it 's the lower rent of market , the lower income groups and the unemployed that are suffering very much reasonable accommodation at a rent or at a price they can afford and I reckon this is what hopefully the government was after to say whether we 'll put in our policy and hope that we can get things .
2 Refinery staff , who had earlier feared that more oil had been lost , launched contingency plans and the nearby Oil Spill Service Centre was placed on alert .
3 Tom explained that throughout his life the horse develops two sets of teeth : the temporary or milk teeth and the permanent teeth .
4 Methods for analysing qualitative data — transcripts of interviews , verbal protocols , ethnographic field notes and the like — have until recently had to rely on little more than scissors , a copier and piles of paper .
5 Elsewhere , he was made acutely aware of the contrast between the colonial regency houses and the ugly jungle bungalows and villas .
6 In Leicestershire , the man who wishes to forget income-tax , hydrogen bombs and the relentless onward march of science walks the field-paths , to which special maps and guides are provided ; in Devon he takes to the deep lanes between the farms .
7 ‘ Dad , ’ he says to Phil , ‘ if one side had hydrogen bombs and the other side did n't , but they had about say a trillion ordinary bombs , well , which side would win ? ’
8 There was , however , no correlation between the motility patterns and the short postprandial periods of sleep ( after lunch ) .
9 It is against such a backcloth that the aims and purposes of both the government 's national curriculum proposals and the Inner London Education Authority 's Improving Secondary Schools must be set .
10 They used daily data from May 1988 to March 1990 , and found a significant positive correlation between the returns on FOX index futures and the current and lagged returns on the UK stock market .
11 It has been assumed that , if an arbitrage opportunity arises , it is immediately possible to trade index futures and the corresponding basket of shares .
12 Index arbitrage is used to gain risk-free profits from short-term differences in the price of the index futures and the underlying shares .
13 The Mediterranean was no longer so necessary for Western strategic submarine deployments while the Soviet military presence in the region had grown substantially .
14 We might find , for instance , that ‘ analytic thinking ’ of the kind they describe , free of interpersonal bias and meaning what they say with little or no room for interpretation' is no more apparent within university institutions and the formal school system than within other social institutions .
15 I think that 's a a lamentable state of affairs , and their children , and their children 's children are going to have to pay the price for the short-sightedness that 's going on now in the ivory towers of the of the city , the the banking institutions and the financial institutions of the country .
16 In Penistone parish , for instance , the seventeenth-century Bullhouse Independents and the High Flatts Quakers were still active , but the subsidiary Quaker meeting-place at Lumb Royd had gone , and there were now three Wesleyan chapels , a New Connexion meeting-house , a Primitive Methodist chapel , a Congregational or Independent chapel of the Evangelical type , and a Baptist chapel , all products of the late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth century revival .
17 It was largely because of these alleged conditions that the working class was the recipient of sustained evangelism throughout the nineteenth century , from Christian organisations , Sunday schools , educational charities , philanthropic societies , organisations like the Salvation Army , settlement houses and the like .
18 The main muscles of the middle back are the latissimus dorsi and the lower trapezius .
19 No correlations were found in any group of subjects between extracellular cyclic nucleotide values and the other biochemical variables considered , including plasma glucagon and atrial natriuretic peptide values , when measured .
20 Yeah , what about the fucking night that we did two and a bit hours and the other little bits and pieces that we 've been fucking doing it ,
21 In additions , I would remind members of the request from Policy and Resources to try and identify wherever possible further savings , in aid of the six hundred and seventy one thousand pound gap which currently exists between budget proposals and the expected figures .
22 They supervised and assisted the foresters in finding , arresting , questioning and attaching Forest offenders , and in holding the attachment courts and the special inquests upon beasts of the forest .
23 Detailed analysis of the 1910 Prussian census returns and the 1911 survey of primary schools shows , however , that there were huge differences in the location and concentration of Poles and Germans .
24 After a few months as a general news reporter I was given a wider range of assignments and when Jim Miller left , my regular beats included the monthly School Board meetings and the daily Police Court and High Court sessions .
25 All the furnishings , including the light wooden kitchen units and the warm terracotta tiles , combine to create a homely look .
26 It is from this operational base that customers ' board designs and the necessary tooling will be prepared .
27 O. enopla veterna is characterised by the many rugose oral papillae and the low rugose granules .
28 Thrust forwards strongly as soon as the opponent 's rear foot lifts and the kicking knee moves forward .
29 The second it to ask the suppliers to provide information on the correlation between different census variables and the various geodemographic systems .
30 And what was the connection between the weird behaviour of the Glory cars and the loathsome undulating worm ?
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