Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Adults tend to lose this enzyme unless they continue taking cow 's milk and milk products from the time they are weaned onwards .
2 They reached the third round in four consecutive years , a feat equalled by very few lower division clubs at the time .
3 I have little doubt that a major force in the moulding of the law in this form is to be found in the practitioners ' text books of the time , notably Bullen & Leake 's Precedents of Pleadings , 3rd ed. ( 1868 ) , p. 50 , and Leake 's Law of Contracts , 5th ed. ( 1906 ) , p. 61 ; we can see this reflected in the form of the arguments advanced in the cases , and the manner in which the court reacted to submissions by counsel challenging the accepted view .
4 Trish Bissett , Dick Langton and Prim McHamish , who did most of the organising , acquired many new or nearly new books from publishers and bookshops , and review copies from the Times Educational Supplement .
5 Then came ‘ Gimmie Indie Rock ’ , a funny and sarcastic swipe at all the unit-shifting alternative rock dinosaurs of the time , and some people noticed .
6 Nonetheless , the majority ( 70% ) of rear seat car passenger casualties in this age group were not wearing seat belts at the time of the accident .
7 But the female pop psyche was split ; its dark underbelly exited in the black R&B and jazz singers of the time , for whom commercial success was rare and sexuality was n't such a taboo ; it was OK for them to wear come-hither clothes , drink hard liquor and sing about bad men .
8 Firstly , was that refusal to consent which was maintained throughout that period which culminated in the Caesarean section a valid refusal of blood transfusions at the time it was expressed .
9 Applicants who will have met the minimum academic entrance requirements by the time they enter university stand a good chance of being made an offer : those who have already met these requirements before applying will receive unconditional offers , while those with examinations still to take will receive conditional offers .
10 All patients were investigated for bowel pathogens at the time of diagnosis of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis .
11 This was the actuality of the pretty designs so liberally provided by the cottage enthusiasts of the time .
12 Greatrakes became the object of controversy with fierce polemics in the public prints ; and it is an impressive testimonial to the veracity of his healing powers that he was not burnt as a witch like many faith healers of the time , or at least arraigned for usurping the royal prerogative .
13 That suited her at the time , it suited the law courts at the time who were the the adjudicators in the case .
14 Unastounding today , his openness shocked and perplexed the establishment and anti-drug abuse authorities at the time , especially in the panic-stricken aftermath of Sharon Tate and other horrendous drug-related deaths of that time , including Brian Jones , Jimi Hendrix , Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison .
15 A native of southern Europe and western Asia , costmary is now naturalized in Europe and North America , being introduced when it was detailed as an ingredient in cookery books of the time .
16 [ Dartford Chronicle , 12 February 1870 ; The Paper Mills Directory , 1859 onwards ; T. H. Saunders , Illustrations of the British Paper Manufacture , 1855 ; management letter-books of The Times , Times archives . ]
17 The heroism of the Glosters over 2 centuries had already won the regiment more than 30 battle honours by the time the First World War broke out .
18 Nor was there much evidence of concern in the correspondence columns of The Times — that bush-telegraph of respectable opinion — which were absorbed with more pressing matters such as the scarcity of swallows in England that summer .
19 The picture would not be complete without some idea of the mining costs of the time .
20 WizDom forms part of USL and Unix International 's distributed vision of the future , Atlas , where it lines up alongside OSF 's DCE , to which USL will add ‘ at least ’ half a dozen ready-to-run system management applications by the time it comes to market .
21 In the Parish Marriage Registers of the time , for example , plenty of intelligent young couples signed by making their mark which was then attested by the officiating clergyman .
22 Even if they do not have thrush symptoms at the time , there is likely to be a reservoir of Candida in the vagina .
23 It was quite an achievement for anyone in the theatre to command that many column inches in The Times .
24 A discography for the years 1968–71 , compiled by Harry Hawke , occurs later in this book and lists some of the better dance records of the time .
25 After the second oil shock , for example , there was a tendency for reserves to be kept in dollars , primarily because of the relatively high interest rates being offered on dollar deposits at the time , and so during the early 1980s the dollar was a strong currency .
26 A further consideration when measuring protein synthesis by taking liver biopsies at the time of surgery has been what effect , if any , the anaesthetic agents themselves would have on protein synthesis .
27 Middle-class Edinburgh lads like myself are discouraged from an early age from being physical unless they 're wearing rugby shorts at the time .
28 ‘ But I am ready to ignore any further transfer rumours for the time being and concentrate on making this a successful season for Rangers . ’
29 Nevertheless , that Wilfrid enjoyed good relations with Aethelwealh is confirmed by Bede who records the king 's gift to him of 87 hides of land for a monastery at Selsey ( HE IV , 13 ) , the site of the bishopric subsequently established among the south Saxons in the time of Daniel , bishop of Winchester ( HE V , 18 ) .
30 Phalangist officers of the time insist that he told them to kill 40 Muslims in reprisal .
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