Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] some [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Please have a think you know have a think about some of the things have a look out if you get out anywhere tonight watching people when they 're together just watch them any ideas that you have tomorrow we 'll start off with the first ten minutes just going over some of the things we talked about this evening .
2 It is a routine which would break most people , but Zarei is a top class ultra runner and this relentless pounding of the streets of London is merely preparation for some of the world 's most gruelling races .
3 This is the case for some of the North American Indians of the West Coast .
4 This applies also to sons , even in situations where they are receiving significant financial or practical support from parents , as was the case for some of the interviewees in McKee 's ( 1987 ) study of unemployed men .
5 Craig had fielded twice as many candidates and won fewer seats ; a result which was probably a combination of public reaction to Vanguard 's lack of clear policy and a lack of enthusiasm for some of the Vanguard candidates .
6 Although support for some of the liberal values is confined to a minority , it is a growing one .
7 But a new EC directive is in danger of denying our support for some of the most exciting organic wines .
8 China was more reserved , expressing its support for some of the principles in the declaration .
9 And of course for some of the lads it was .
10 These great classics are relatively straightforward compared to more recent climbs , and a grade as high as VIII , 8 might be a realistic assessment for some of the hardest routes in Scotland such as The Needle on the Shelter Stone , or Diedre of Sorrows on Lochnagar .
11 The Treasury has responsibility for the health of the economy ; the Social Services Department has responsibility for some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in the country .
12 Joining Mr Knight is as technical manager for marine and protective coatings. , who also worked at the Hamburg office , has responsibility for some of the major marine accounts .
13 Sadly , his trail through some of the locations for classic moments of westerns past and present reaches the end of the road today .
14 Then ride on up the hill and when the road levels out watch for some of the traditional island crafts .
15 This was the source of the divergence between some of the old committee of the Anti-Slavery Society and the Agency committee .
16 This must include the core modules in the correct order , but the mode of study for some of the modules is very flexible .
17 In resisting rationalism he risks emphasising paradox to the point where it can seem sheerly irrational ; his insistence on the otherness of God and the sinfulness of man , and his fondness for some of the more arbitrary-seeming accounts of God in the stories of Abraham and Job , leave much too little place for a positive grasp of grace and mercy , goodness and love , though he does attempt to give them place ; his stress upon the centrality of the incarnation of God in Jesus commonly seems to reduce to the bare repetition of the claim that Jesus was also , paradoxically , God , but not fully to work through the implications and purpose of this identification of God with man ; his bitter attacks upon ‘ Christendom ’ in his latter years reveal rather too much of the solitary individualist who has little sense of the nature of community .
18 The European critics feel that the results of the latest trials justify their initial scepticism about some of the early claims made as a result of the US studies .
19 It is probable that the economic situation in the industrial countries will deteriorate further in the longer term as some of the constraints upon growth which I discussed earlier take effect ; and there will then be a much greater likelihood of conflict among the rich nations themselves in the struggle for natural resources , markets and some kind of economic growth , while the poorer developing countries will experience increasing hardship and may reach a point of economic collapse .
20 Twenty-four hours later it would still have required access to a crystal ball to predict the result after some of the most enthralling encounters seen on a golf course since man first put club to ball .
21 In this paper , I have argued that , contrary to the thinking of some of the major representatives of the tradition which distinguishes the public world from the private one , the notion of autonomy ought to be extended to the private sphere .
22 In this way modern analytical techniques are providing the basis for greater appreciation of some of the world 's greatest painters .
23 However it is hoped that this has given the reader an appreciation of some of the issues involved .
24 The falsity of the impression that all private press books are expensive is demonstrated by the fact that fourteen examples from the Essex House ( 3 ) , Vale ( 1 ) , Shakespeare Head ( 1 ) , Riccardi ( 1 ) , Nonesuch ( 3 ) , Golden Cockerel ( 4 ) and Gregynog ( 1 ) presses fell in the price range £18-£40 , and the uniformity of some of the prices suggests that only protective reserves pushed them as high as that .
25 Incorporation of some of the linguistic information that humans employ is necessary to improve text recognition systems .
26 Closure of some of the oldest plants on Merseyside and Teeside could result in the loss of thousands of jobs .
27 Memories of boyhood days would not be complete without mention of some of the boys with whom we played , boys we grew up with , and who to this day remain our good friends — the life-long friends of Jerry and me .
28 Even with this care , however , so great are the quantities of drift-net in use that the loss of some of the millions of kilometres of netting deployed each year is inevitable .
29 A consequence had been the loss of some of the not-so-bright children of local tradespeople or farmers ( who now looked to the independent schools ) , and some alleged decline in the social standing of the school within the town .
30 Thick peeling is not only wasteful but also results in a loss of some of the valuable nutrients which potatoes contain .
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