Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] their [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Arguing along these lines , Hessen asserts that ‘ men have a natural right to form a corporation by contract for their own benefit , welfare , and mutual self-interest ’ .
2 States can not entirely depend on such measures , however , and must make provision for their own defence .
3 Does the Ministry of Defence yet have an estimate of the number of personnel families who will not be able to make provision for their own housing ?
4 Farmers have been slow to make adequate provision for their own retirement so it was important to see how many had this long term security and how much importance it carried .
5 The object of the Act was to protect the minority of unwary consumers from possible exploitation by the minority of unscrupulous lenders who took unfair advantage for their own gain of their ‘ victims ’ ignorance .
6 On such frail straws they floated their hope for their own survival .
7 It would have thrown light on Eliot 's attitude to the liturgy and to the drama , which in his view were indissolubly linked , though he realized the temptation to enjoy the emotions of the Mass for their own sake ; a point he had made in his ‘ Dialogue on Poetic Drama ’ .
8 To enable voluntary groups and local communities to bid for funding for their own Millennium projects for local restoration schemes , or for improving the amenities of canals and rivers , as a source of enjoyment for local people and a habitat for wildlife .
9 The fact that different dowsers can get very different results on the same site can perhaps be explained as the interaction between their own energy field and the field of the site , so that the dowsing patterns found can only have true meaning by looking at the dowser as well .
10 The Who are the original flag-wearers , as the Mods adopted both Britain 's flag and the RAF 's roundel as their own pop art icons .
11 They continue to be funded like any other GP for their own practice work ( see below ) .
12 In particular , schools need a better working knowledge of the link between their own level of general education and the requirements of vocational education and training .
13 HUE AND CRY : ‘ Truth And Love ’ Glaswegian sophisto-pop duo 's debut for their own label , featuring two recent singles ‘ Profoundly Yours ’ and ‘ In Between ’ , plus a cover of Stevie Wonder 's ‘ That Girl ’
14 Many wives did not know what their husbands earned — as many as one-third of those surveyed in Middlesbrough in 1907 — and the vast majority of husbands kept back a proportion of their income for their own use .
15 Or sixty two rather but his father lived until he was eighty six and his father was the District Goods and Passenger Manager at Cambridge and er later on , of course , er when he was old enough , he , he was in the same office as his father was but not the same position , you see , but he was a clerk , a railway clerk , and his brother was Stationmaster of Colchester and his grandfather was also a Stationmaster and that would be in Queen Victoria 's reign when , when railways first began and then again , you see , in those first days , you see , when there were highwaymen and that sort of thing erm signalmen , signalmen were issued with a truncheon for their own safety , you see , and I 've got one .
16 Second , Compact involves students in setting and monitoring their own goals and hence encourages them to take responsibility for their own success or failure .
17 It has long been established in England and Wales that the schools should have the fullest possible measure of responsibility for their own work , including responsibility for their own curriculum and teaching methods which should be evolved by their own staff to meet the needs of their own pupils .
18 As men expanded the field of responsibility for their own existence , the field formerly assigned to Providence , in the traditional sense , contracted .
19 Lastly , you may be perfectly healthy but are one of those increasing number of people who want to take responsibility for their own well-being and wish to discover more about themselves .
20 People often use their personalities as an excuse not to bother to take responsibility for their own behaviour .
21 Whereas by welcoming the light within themselves and by taking responsibility for their own karma , they can become relieved of the burden of self-delusion that blocks the gift of awareness .
22 It has long been established in England and Wales that the schools should have the fullest possible measure of responsibility for their own work , including responsibility for their own curriculum and teaching methods which should be evolved by their own staff to meet the needs of their own pupils .
23 The children are encouraged to take increasing responsibility for their own work and to become more aware of the importance of self-evaluation .
24 The other concurrent development was the growing and irrepressible conviction that the inhabitants of India would claim and must sooner or later obtain responsibility for their own government .
25 Page references have been included in this file as , a/though pub have covered indexes in their information skills course , this was of the first occasions when they were asked to take much of responsibility for their own project .
26 The University seeks to include in its courses activities which promote enterprising qualities in its students by encouraging them to take more responsibility for their own learning , setting their own goals and targets through personal assessment and career planning .
27 ‘ I am interested in organisational development , in individuals taking responsibility for their own learning , and in line managers taking responsibility for facilitating development of their staff ’ …
28 Skilled teachers of drama give pupils the tools of the trade , encouraging them to become more autonomous in their handling of the dramatic medium and so to take greater responsibility for their own learning .
29 regular self-assessment , in the form of ‘ hard ’ or ‘ easy ’ faces which pupils circle at the end of each unit , to encourage children to start taking responsibility for their own learning
30 The shorthand way of putting this is that students must have the freedom-the academic freedom — to exercise due responsibility for their own learning .
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