Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the new [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And yet Penzias makes a good case for the new golden age , and his urbane discourse is both enlivening and instructive .
2 Although the 1988 Matignon Accords formed the basis of a ceasefire in the struggle for the New Caledonian independence , there was increasing discussion during 1990 of the possibility that the planned independence referendum — scheduled for 1998 — could be abandoned in favour of a form of independence in association with France .
3 In November 1949 under the Petersberg Agreements , the Allies reduced the amount of reparations taken from Germany ; in 1951 , thanks to Adenauer 's support for the new European Coal-Steel Community , reparations were ended altogether , and in May 1952 , under the Treaty of Bonn , the Allies finally undertook to restore German sovereignty .
4 By the end of September or early October , the Castro-Communist alliance appears to have been concluded or tacitly agreed upon , as the PSP pledged labour 's full support for the new economic course .
5 In an interview with NIN ( 27 December 1987 ) , Professor Smiljković announced his full support for the new political trend in Serbia , and in particular for ‘ differentiation ’ , the rooting out of ‘ opportunism ’ , and the replacement of old cadres by new ones .
6 Their consistent support for the new Israeli state reflected the existence of an American Jewish community — wealthy , strong in voting power , and highly organized as a political pressure group .
7 There is a cuddly look about the new Scottish Office ministerial team and there have been unconfirmed sightings of the word ‘ consensus ’ .
8 This essay is not a search for the new progressive text , nor for the new ‘ sacred word ’ which will bring it into being .
9 The death of Stalin early in 1953 was promptly seized upon by Churchill as an opportunity to test out the thinking of the new Soviet leadership .
10 She shuddered , thinking of the new puckered scars he already bore , criss-crossing with the traces of older wounds .
11 " Two policemen — Irish policemen too — dead and killed on the same day as the first sitting of the new Irish parliamentarians .
12 Industrial workers formed the chief market as well as the labor force of the new industrial society .
13 He also played a part in developing in England , even before the full force of the new historical criticism of the Bible had been felt there , an understanding of the authority of the Bible which did not rest simply on regarding it as the inspired and inerrant compendium from which the truths about God could be read off in literal and rationalist fashion .
14 Indeed there were also sizeable groups of Poles in Pomerania , East Prussia and Silesia who saw very clearly that passing under the administration of the new Polish state would mean a severe drop in their standard of living and who preferred to remain as second-class citizens under German administration .
15 Arnie Geller , president of the New York-based salvage firm scouring the ship , said the dive by a submersible also recovered five suitcases whose contents are believed to have been retrieved from safes before the ship sank on April 15 , 1912 .
16 In January , as expected , Vaclav Havel moved back into this office when he was confirmed as President of the new Czech Republic .
17 Randy Sandone , formerly executive vice-president of Addamax and now president of the new 16-man firm , Argus Systems Group Inc , said that Addamax was finding it impossible to do business because of the lawsuit .
18 Randy Sandone , formerly executive vice president of Addamax and now president of the new 16-man firm , Argus Systems Group Inc , said that Addamax was finding it impossible to do business because of the lawsuit .
19 In 1912 Morrison left The Times to become political adviser to Yuan Shih-K'ai , president of the new Chinese republic .
20 In the elections for President of the new Territorial Assembly on March 28 Vernaudon was supported by both the Flosse and the Léontieff coalitions and received 37 votes compared with the four cast for Temaru , the only other candidate .
21 the loss of the new integrated preclinical and clinical courses .
22 He began medical training , first in the slums of Hull , and then at the London Hospital , but sailed unqualified as first agent of the new Chinese Evangelization Society .
23 But such a faith was challenged by the growth on the Continent of the new political anti-Semitism of which Wolf wrote a notable account and analysis in the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica ( 1911 ) .
24 The empirical study of the new international division of labour outlined in section 1.5.2 illustrated the importance of industrial change within this framework .
25 The aim of the project is to make an international comparative study of the new small scale private and co-operative sector enterprises emerging in the process of economic restructuring and reform in the transitional economies of south east Europe .
26 We will opt in to the Social Chapter of the new European Treaty and introduce employment standards common in successful economies , including the best health and safety legislation .
27 The early chapters are an indictment of the New Poor Law in their account of Oliver 's upbringing as a workhouse orphan , apprenticed to an undertaker by Bumble the beadle .
28 Similarly , if extension of devolved responsibility is being sought , the Quality Audit will look at the system which the centre proposes to use to ensure that the appropriate SCOTVEC criteria will be applied : the operation in practice of the new devolved responsibility would be monitored and be reviewed at the next full audit .
29 Our efforts to meet the company have so far been unsuccessful , but as far as we understand from the AEU ( which has a single union agreement with Montupet ) , there are no special mechanisms to target recruitment and training on the unemployed and it is worth bearing in mind that the code of practice of the new Fair Employment Act puts the idea of the merit principle above that of equality of outcome or the achievement of social justice .
30 The main intention of the new poor law was to redress that balance , and to persuade those who were able-bodied , but without work , to travel north to find it .
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