Example sentences of "[noun sg] [art] [noun] has be " in BNC.

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1 The only responsibility the writer has is to get his words right and that takes care of everything else that the novel , or short story is capable of .
2 In this case the disapproval has been registered with a $100 billion fall in the stockmarket value of healthcare companies since last summer — even as markets have headed towards new records .
3 In each case the land has been exploited far beyond its true potential — out of dire necessity during the Wars , and now for blind greed and short-term gain resulting in vast surpluses which can not be eaten or sold .
4 In past battles Steam Tanks have exploded with spectacular results , but in each case the machine has been meticulously rebuilt .
5 But in each case the decision has been ours , not theirs .
6 In each case the appellant has been found guilty of contempt of court and has been sentenced to a term of imprisonment .
7 Hon. Members told us that rural services , emergency services , call boxes and provision for the blind and disabled would all have an uncertain future under privatisation , yet in each case the future has been better , thanks to the privatised industry and the regulatory world that we have created .
8 Some newcomers have been indifferent to the sensibilities of the local population ; others , as we shall see , have been oversensitive to what they believe the needs of the village to be-In each case the effect has been the same : members of the former occupational community , faced with an invasion of ‘ their ’ village by outsiders , have tended to retreat in upon themselves and form a community within a community , cutting themselves off from the separate world of the newcomers .
9 Publicity will inevitably be a challenge when a new post or system is established , and in this case the challenge has been dealt with effectively .
10 Part of our reaction to that situation has been negative , especially the behaviourist interlude that sought to define out of existence many of the issues that confront us , but for the most part the approach has been a steady accumulation of experimental data in anticipation of the day when meaningful theories could be developed .
11 In part the debate has been presented as an opposition between a broadly liberal programme — multiculturalism — and an antiracism which claimed for itself the mantle of left radicalism ( Dodgson and Stewart , 1981 ; Mullard , 1984 ; Troyna , 1987a ; Gill and Singh , 1987 ) .
12 Another advantage the Discovery has is permanent , rather than part-time , four-wheel drive .
13 One advantage the DST has is that most French people accept a far greater degree of personal documentation and registration of their whereabouts than would be acceptable in Britain or America .
14 Consequently throughout its existence the NHS has been complemented by a residual system of private provision .
15 Due to lack of response the event has been cancelled .
16 In fact , on one level the racism has been reversed .
17 All she had wanted to do was make sure her followers knew she was back on the road to recovery and fit enough to joke " the Scottish people have so amazingly walked into my heart the impact has been far more powerful than I could have imagined " .
18 They differ in that in the case of prepayments the exact amount is known and has been paid although the services have yet to be received whereas in the case of an accrual the service has been received but has not been paid for and we have to estimate the amount due .
19 Reputedly in poor condition when it surfaced last year ‘ glossed and cleaned up ’ was one description the painting has been consigned from the Wernher Collection at Luton Hoo , Bedfordshire .
20 Of course the swell has been gathering force for a century or more , since Joseph Thompson first saw ‘ the most peculiar band of men to be found in Africa ‘ .
21 any income the school has been able to generate itself .
22 In this photograph the cursor has been placed on the runway of Lakenheath air force base in eastern England .
23 There is no evidence that Plate Tectonics ever developed on the Moon , and therefore even if the maria are filled by lava the Moon has been far less geologically active than the Earth .
24 Throughout this chapter the emphasis has been directed towards the determinants and consequences of bargaining structure since this is a concept which has been accorded a considerable role in explaining a number of important collective bargaining phenomena both within and between national industrial relations systems .
25 Since this will involve a substantial amount of archival and institutional research the study has been provisionally limited to the period 1890-1930 .
26 However in practice the change has been less dramatic than it first appears , for two reasons .
27 In effect the mainstream has been the malestream ( O'Brien , 1981 ; Siltanen and Stanworth , 1984 ) .
28 It 's seen service as a transporter in every action the airforce has been involved in since 1967 .
29 It takes a moment to realise that it is not some pagan idol , but a head of Christ on the cross , that the spikes represent the crown of thorns and that in the wreckage of the ancient trunk a face has been carved .
30 As a result a policy has been arrived at that appears to be acceptable to the majority .
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