Example sentences of "[noun sg] [art] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Ltd. v. United Dominions Trust Ltd. ( 1988 C.A. ) the buyer had discovered that the car had a leak but did not discover until after the contract the gravity of the leak or that it was incurable .
2 Where the parties have not chosen the law which is to govern their contract the applicability of the Convention will depend upon the law governing the contract as determined by the conflict rules of the forum , which , of course , may vary from State to State .
3 Analysis of the contractor 's programmes should begin at the tender stage so that from the onset of a contract the attainability of the programme ( and thus the completion date ) have been assessed .
4 Robinson resigned as leader of the NAR the week after the election , having accepted responsibility for the defeat .
5 As the campaign enters the final furlong the Tories in the campaign team know they are no closer to finding a magic formula than they were at the outset .
6 If an electron is removed from a p-orbital of a rare gas atom the interaction of the electron spin angular momentum ( quantum number s ) with the orbital angular momentum ( quantum number l ) generates two possible states for the ion , depending on whether the angular momenta add or subtract .
7 Following months of preparation the mood of the Allies in Greek Lemnos was one of excitement .
8 Particularly active has been the WJEC TEC co-ordinating panel set up in 1975 to co ordinate the work of the colleges and consortia and to promote a programme of in-service training .
9 Without their counsel the recommendations of the majority on the Commission would have been even less favourable to the aspirations of the deaf and dumb , and their dissent on the two recommendations , which particularly disappointed and angered them , was admired widely .
10 You git the roller on the land , it 's true ; but too much of that ai n't no use .
11 Expansion to north Italy brought into play the gold of the Val d'Aosta and south Piedmont , but it was the Second Punic War ( 218–201 B.C. ) which first increased the supply of gold significantly by taking in the alluvial deposits of the Guadalquivir .
12 When he appeared in the play The Hunting of the Snark at the Royal Albert Hall before the Duchess of York in 1987 , he remained sober .
13 On valid exercise of a SAR , LASMO pays to the option holder the difference between the calculated exercise price of equivalent LASMO shares in the SAR and the market value of LASMO shares on the date of exercise , either in cash or LASMO shares .
14 In a sentence the kernel of the criticism is that foreign aid tends to serve narrow donor interests and those of the classes in recipient countries that will most benefit ; that it incorporates the lesser developed country into dependent relations with industrialised nations ; and that through a series of bureaucratic filters , special interests and general bungling , frequently does harm not good .
15 Evidently in each sentence the purpose of the comma is to tell you that an unusually long subject has finished and that the verb is about to follow .
16 In an active sentence the subject of the sentence generally performs the action of the verb , e.g. :
17 In the time that had elapsed between the date of plea and the date of sentence the overseers of the parish had changed .
18 A woman with hair the colour of the purplest of peacock feathers was singing on a yard-high rostrum .
19 The miller 's wife was just as mean as her husband , but their daughter Neva was quite different ; she was happy.natured and kind-hearted , sang all day at her work " like a thrush , and was as beautiful as she was kind , with summer-blue eyes and hair the colour of the sun 's rays at noon .
20 He had all three and felt that at last the play was under way : this was why he had struck north ; this was why he had learned his part ( and God bless Major General Lake of Dumfries and God keep him there ) ; this was his great opportunity and ‘ O Lord , ’ he prayed to himself , ‘ if it is true that You have love even for the worst of Your sinners and let Your Son welcome into Paradise the thief on the cross who by a single act redeemed a life of evil , then remember me at Hause Point , remember how I tried to obey Your will and how I saved that innocent young girl and help me here because I swear , if I succeed in my intention here , I will lead a life of charity and Christian duty to the end .
21 In May-June 1958 TV covered ( some of ( the dramatic circumstances , born of the regime 's inability to resolve the Algerian conflict , in which de Gaulle returned to power : Parliament voted full powers to de Gaulle , the ( last ) premier of the Fourth Republic ; in September , the French approved by referendum the constitution of the Fifth Republic ; in December de Gaulle was elected ( indirectly : not by universal suffrage ) President .
22 The Broncos are happy to take on John Monie 's Best of British away from home — they want the showdown at Wigan 's Central Park the weekend after the World Cup final between Australia and Great Britain on October 24 .
23 Not where the park the village on the way down .
24 Hopes are still alive that the planned world club title game between Wigan and the Brisbane Broncos will go ahead at Central Park the week after the final .
25 In this case the structure of the funnel that was , supposed to channel effort in the right direction has failed to do so .
26 My reference in the next ensuing paragraph to the general principles of responsibility of the principal for the acts of the agent was to set the context of the consideration that in that particular case the solicitors for the creditors were equally deceived by the dishonest conduct of the son as were his own parents .
27 The latter would handicap British exports and in either case the benefit to the workers would be illusory .
28 In this case the benefit from the additional information is less than the cost of obtaining it .
29 In this case the benefit from the additional information is less than the cost of obtaining it .
30 In this case the illocution of the sniff may easily be formulated as ‘ I can smell gas !
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