Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] thing that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He could n't believe that those nobs in the West End were willing to pay good money for things that seemed to him to be nothing more than unnecessary luxuries .
2 ‘ A lot of the things that the president addressed in the economic plan are things that Mr Perot agrees with — like a serious commitment to deficit reduction , like honest budgeting , like investment in things that matter , ’ said the White House press secretary , Dee Dee Myers .
3 Working on Jane Austen was not all that different from working on trade cycles , or lowtemperature physics ; these were the kind of things that went on in the modern university .
4 So what kind of people live here that we what 's what 's made it go you you said that it 's got one of the s what are the kind of things that go on now , that wo did n't go on before ?
5 Yeah it 's for some er it 's for somebody to get a general idea of the kind of things that happen in lectures .
6 I hope that privatisation will not lead to the kind of things that happened after deregulation .
7 One of them , for example , that we 'll be looking next term , Freud 's biography , co-written with Bullitt , on Woodrow Wilson , was called , in one of the major reviews , when it finally came out in nineteen sixty seven , the kind of thing that gets psychoanalysis a bad name .
8 words , some future researched , that the printer here , missed that bit , you know , she should have said , and her mother 's name , but her mother 's got missed out on the proofs or something , I do n't , this is the kind of thing that happens , of course .
9 And yet this is the kind of thing that made a fortune for Dr Tarnower and is , in its way , replicated in all diet books : this mixture of ruthlessness , optimism and fatuity .
10 It was n't the kind of thing that grew on you .
11 He frowned , pulled the napkin from his lap and laid it on the table as he stood up , shrugging apologetically to his mother , seeming to indicate that it was the kind of thing that had happened before , from time to time .
12 It was n't the kind of thing that had ever been heard on Detroit radio before , but for a while it seemed to be going okay .
13 We do n't of course see the kind of thing that went on in Germany under Hitler , but you feel a disaster is waiting , another disaster of some kind is waiting .
14 But once or twice in a while I would despair of producing the kind of thing that seemed likely to win approval from one whose standards were so high — impossibly high I felt so far as emulation on my part was concerned — and therefore I had moods in which I would feel unworthy of his attention .
15 Kind of thing that advertises a new electronics package .
16 But it 's a strange kind of thing that happened in this part of the country , the kind of story you get in Suffolk and Norfolk .
17 That that 's the kind of thing that starts him off ( starts him off ) .
18 And I think that 's the kind of thing that needs to be done .
19 Yet that sort of worry is the kind of thing that makes him so exciting . ’
20 We 're not the kind of thing that attracts government funding cos we 're not sort of we do n't go along with the architectural you know , the architectural establishment really insists that everything should be exactly just so .
21 Now , if that were right , that is , here 's our bodily bit here , that 's what individuates them , right , Socrates is shorter than Plato , Plato is a bit taller than Socrates , Socrates has funny bulgy eyes , erm Plato must have been rather a normal looking person , a variety of things that differentiate them , but they 're not different in respect of being human beings .
22 One case in my constituency highlights the type of thing that happens .
23 Whereas reactive , I think one typical task that 's a reactive task which is yes , it 's unexpected or whatever , is cardboard collecting , because it 's the type of thing that happens regularly , but it does n't actually get your department , it does n't
24 Right erm well I hope I 've covered most of the range of things that come .
25 I suppose the , the sort of things that made me think I might be suitable for social work have been coming from working with the young .
26 What what sort of things that went on .
27 Er the things that she said were that women used more hedges , such as I think er hedges are sort of things that get put into the conversation if al allegedly if somebody wants to give the impression that they 're not quite sure , and they would n't w You know like I would n't want to say it for sure but I think that .
28 THE SORT of things that puts The Late Show set into raptures ; politely rocking , coffee table country with ‘ searching ’ lyrics and nice tunes .
29 Erm because these are the sort of things that do n't come over at school .
30 what sort of things that have been done .
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