Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the [adj] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Bullins , porter at Magdalen College for forty years , and senior porter for the last ten , put on his bowler hat and the bland expression he always assumed on such occasions , and walked to staircase III in New Buildings , overlooking the Deer Park , where E. A. J. de Chavigny had some of the most desirable rooms in college .
2 She never bought more , nor less , than she would need for her housekeeping for the next 24 hours .
3 It is believed that the National Gallery has committed its entire purchase grant for the next three years towards the cost of the Holbein and , given the fact that purchase grants for national museums have been frozen since 1985 , other museums are similarly powerless both to acquire when the works come onto the market , and to match their export price when their licences are suspended .
4 Affleck practices regularly at Heswall and aims to play in as many Liverpool Alliance events as possible this winter , keeping up his competitive edge in preparation for the demanding 1993 season .
5 The suckling pup may also be infected by ingestion of L3 in the milk during the first three weeks of lactation .
6 Now of course during the nineteen eighties the protection of agricultural land for its own sake er lost weight as an issue and the relevant structure plan policies er lost effective weight and were seen to do so but Government policy was quite explicit in the nineteen eighty seven circular , I think it was num number sixteen , was that although agricultural land protection as a farming resource was diminished as an issue , the protection of the countryside for its own sake was not .
7 There 's me been putting sugar in his Ovaltine for the last fifty years .
8 Membership of the ILP had been largely a formality for the remaining four-fifths of the original group , though some active ILP members like Dr Alfred Salter and Emanuel Shinwell were among those severing their connections with the party .
9 The body of work arising from Eugene Garfield 's pioneering efforts in launching his Science Citation Index during the early 1960s has little or nothing to do with evaluation by paper scores ( or their logs ) .
10 His variation margin payments of 6250 have been paid and the average FTSE100 index during the last ten minutes of trading is 1810.5 , implying an EDSP of 1810.5 .
11 The present value of dividends on the shares in the index during the next six months is £1000 , and the riskless rate of interest for six months is 5% .
12 The government 's overall aim was to freeze spending on state-owned enterprises , social security and defence for the next four years .
13 IN WHICH the barefoot songstrel rewrote her life story for the late Eighties , and came back to claim what should have been hers years before .
14 Your difficulties multiplied almost in inverse proportion to your developing experience during the early 1940s .
15 Selection criteria were specified , including the requirements that the solicitor 's office be reasonably accessible to the appropriate magistrates ' court and that the solicitor have sufficient criminal advocacy experience during the previous 18 months .
16 Small wonder that the estimates of global sea-level rise for the next 100 years are very tentative .
17 SINBAD has been cleaning the windows in Channel 4 's Brookside since 1984 , although he has only been on a regular contract for the last two years .
18 As a result of this and other successes , Framatome , the PWR construction company , has orders from Belgium , South Africa and South Korea as well as the design contract for the proposed 1150 MW Sizewell B PWR in the UK .
19 So we always this has always been the case for the four five hundred years that people have been doing etching , so they go by a rule of thumb .
20 In conclusion , may I take this opportunity of thanking the Chief Executive and Directors of Plantsbrook Group , the National Secretary , the Officers , Administration Secretary and the Staff at the National Office and , last but not least , my colleagues at work for all their support during the past twelve months .
21 Subject to that undertaking , I am pleased to announce today that I have increased the funding planned by the corporation by £22 million , bringing provision for the next three years to £130 million .
22 By the early part of the last century two kinds of hospital had emerged that set the pattern for finance and provision for the next 150 years ( Abel-Smith , 1964 ) .
23 Subject to budgetary approval , the plan ratified by both houses of the federal parliament will mean growth of 16 per cent pa in the science budget for the next four years .
24 The fact that the total expenditure for components X and Y is shown in the budget for the forthcoming six month period implies this level of expenditure has been endorsed by top management and therefore requires no further authorization from them .
25 The country 's current-account deficit for the first 10 months of the fiscal year also showed a fall of 27 per cent compared with the same period in 1989/90 .
26 In this year the US economy experienced serious trade and current-account deficits : the $170 billion trade deficit for the first nine months was due in particular to an increase in non-oil imports .
27 The current account had been in deficit for the last 17 years and by late 1990 constituted around 7 per cent of gross national product ( GNP ) .
28 Not all problems have gone away of course : yesterday 's £6.4 billion public sector borrowing requirement is not much higher than expectations , but it is almost as large as the deficit for the previous 11 months and — with this year 's deficit forecast to be double last year 's — shows why the Bank of England so eagerly sold £2 billion or more of gilts on election night and why it needs a regular stream of massive sales .
29 They are DEVOTED to each other — she 's seeing a toy boy and he 's had a mistress for the last fourteen years
30 The Rev Leslie Gready was led from the Friday morning service to the grounds of St Cuthbert 's Church , Darlington , where he has been vicar for the last ten years .
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