Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] what a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Awards are nice for the day , and they glitter — my mother has got all mine and she polishes them within an inch of their lives , she 's polished all the gold glitter away and it 's base metal underneath , and I think that 's a fairly apt analogy of what a prize is .
2 The earlier version of English at Nottingham as " elegant dabbling in belles-lettres " stiffened by Anglo Saxon and philology , now made way for a more Leavisian model : " My conception of what a School of English should be was considerably clarified by my reading of Dr. Leavis " notable essay entitled " A Sketch for an English School " in his Education and the University . "
3 One may say , of course , that Marcel is shocked simply because he has a foolish , a foolishly romantic conception of what a writer should look like .
4 Likewise , the novel plays with normative paradigms such as those proposed by Greimas which seek to standardize narrative by defining it according to a canonic conception of what a story is .
5 Because as well as the band 's set , we 're interested in the larger scope of how we are affecting the audience , how what we 're doing affects the audience 's conception of what a gig should be , if you like .
6 Based on his earlier assessment of what a deal is worth , Belhaven is probably worth a round-the-world cruise .
7 It was my own ; product of boarding school , university , the accent of what a sociologist once called the Dominant Hundred Thousand .
8 D : Well I do n't think you 're ever going to get it except by civil disobedience because it 's part of what a government 's all about , they have to defend the country .
9 Once , what a child learned came partly from parents , partly from participation in local society , partly from practice , and much from teachers and schoolbooks ; today , a large part of what a child knows comes directly from the mass media .
10 For many within the Roman Catholic Church the remote , emaciated , ascetical figure of Pius XII remains the paradigm of what a pope should be .
11 After this baseline assessment was obtained patients were randomly allocated one of two typed information sheets which contained a simple description of what a hernia is , why surgery was necessary , and what the operation entailed .
12 Another reason for norm-referenced tests not providing a description of what a pupil knows and can do is the lack of clear specification of learning objectives , at least as far as the formulation of pupil performance on the test is concerned .
13 I 've had I think more experience of what a rape in court than Sir Nicholas .
14 So that 's a little quick rundown of what a mapping is ,
15 Benjamin remarked , tellingly , that it is less a question of what a man 's beliefs are than the kind of man those beliefs make of him .
16 It 's all a question of what a writer can use , what the work in hand will let him use .
17 It 's not a question of what a company can do for a day centre , or what an environmental group can do for a business , it 's a question what we can all do together , for the community .
18 Because it imposes constraints by reference to what a person says , the section clearly sets limits to freedom of speech , and if too stringently enforced , is a potential threat to the civil liberties of the individual .
19 The distinction between what a writer has to say , and how it is presented to the reader , underlies one of the earliest and most persistent concepts of style:that of style as the " dress of thought " .
20 One such was the Duke of Richmond who found Sussex in the 1740s in the midst of what a number of local historians have rightly described as a ‘ guerilla war ’ .
21 This is because when people try to translate an APR into what a loan will actually cost them they generally still seem to assume that an APR of , say , 10 per cent on a $100 loan would mean a credit cost of $10 — regardless of the period of the loan .
22 One of the fascinations of the industrial world is that there are no limitations of any sort on what a company can achieve if it wants to .
23 We could insert ‘ Christian truths ’ ( or doctrines or promises ) for ‘ Christian presuppositions ’ , but I prefer to speak this way to focus attention on what a presupposition does rather than on what it is .
24 ‘ They 'll be too busy consoling each other and agreeing with each other about what a bastard I am . ’
25 They agree that the clothes horse analogy is too crude a way of conveying the relationship between what a thing is and the fact that it is .
26 Then , with the notion of what a girl with such a name must be like firm in her mind , she made this heroine of hers arrive somewhere and without delay put her into the first of a series of conflicts with , behind them , a gradually increasing aura of mystery .
27 Their way of looking at the exterior world , the means they used of recording their ideas about it , even their concept of what a painting was , all these things were different from anything that had gone before them .
28 This property of superposability both enshrines the pure mathematician 's abstract concept of what a vector space is and it also provides the perfect way in which to mirror the nature of quantum mechanical states .
29 Perhaps , instead of seeing the whole operation as a put-up job , we ought to accept a changed concept of what a fifty-year-old looks like .
30 If , however , a whole series of such objects was encountered , the child might be forced to accommodate its basic concept of what a table was in order to take in these experiences .
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