Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pn reflx] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Robson is , however , unlikely to start the game as both sides aim to put some daylight between themselves at the top of the table .
2 I did not understand German , and was not interested in the photograph of myself at the top , but bottom left , was a small black-and-white snapshot of Joan and the children .
3 Djilas did not at this stage of his analysis refer to bureaucracy as a class , though he recognized that it had exclusive control of production and distribution and that it expropriated the economic surplus for itself at the expense of the ‘ direct producers ’ .
4 The armourers all slept in a long room on the first floor , with J. in a small room to himself at the end , and it so happened that Matthew occupied the corresponding small room immediately underneath on the ground floor .
5 But when Jasmine was born they put Joan in a room by herself at the hospital so she could n't see other fathers cuddling their first-born as Bobby would have done .
6 ‘ Do n't be ungrateful , ’ said Caroline , who was a bit above herself at the best of times .
7 Hairflair interviewed the Edinburgh lass who is cutting a name for herself at the Charlie Miller salon .
8 HIGHBROOK , a horse tipped to make a name for herself at the winter game , catches the eye tomorrow as Flat racing grabs the attention for the last time this year .
9 We 've got scouse rather than Leeds tickets for Saturday , and I think I 've got a kop ticket for myself at the Oldham game .
10 Kylie and a lifesize cardboard cutout of herself at the London launch of her debut album , simply titled Kylie .
11 And Malone is even managing to get in trouble with himself at the moment .
12 I got drunk on rhum by myself at the Rotonde and ran up and down the streets crying and ringing bells and saying ‘ Save me from this man ! ’
13 I might have made an angry reply about her own flaunting of herself at the male Ardakkean , but there was nothing to be gained by it .
14 A high-rise block of flats had been clamped down on a street that did not think well of itself at the best of times .
15 Just create a problem for ourselves at the moment .
16 He had the curious ability to erase , or at least pretend to erase , from his memory that which did not suit his idea of himself at the time .
17 Also my teaching is squeezed into 4 days , which means that I have time to myself at the weekend , including Friday .
18 You 're going to be happiest closer to home now , Cancer and you 'll need time to yourself at the beginning of June .
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