Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [Wh det] it be " in BNC.

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1 The client , who generally accepted the traditional process , also accepted the form of contract for what it was : a formal document encapsulating the procedures which seemed to work well and produced few disputes .
2 The alternative name for a close relation , Hamburg parsley , is turnip-rooted , the root being the part for which it is grown , and ordinary parsley tends to follow the same root pattern .
3 Some misunderstanding exists at present about what it is , and what it is not , and of the processes that can encourage or suppress it .
4 This code is machine specific ; that is , it will run only on the type of computer for which it was written .
5 The same sort of thing is n't it , you know this is this is the technical description for what it was .
6 It is , so what it means when it 's lost is , it is not able to fulfil the function for which it was made .
7 It is time for Ulsterfolk to open their eyes and see the Anglo Irish diktat for what it is , to rub from their eyes the scales of unionism and its false hopes and then at last with a new vision to see independence in its full light and potential as the only way forward for Ulster .
8 Yes cos I gave father the money for whatever it was , so , yeah , I gave him five pounds worth of change
9 They are allowed one Int test per round to see the illusion for what it is , although they can also be helped out of the chamber by unaffected comrades .
10 There was a time when I was genuinely afraid of these idiotic questions , but now , apart from the fact that I must know the height , length , breadth , area and volume of just about every part of the house and everything in it , I can see my father 's obsession for what it is .
11 It is much too easy to fail to recognise a murder for what it is .
12 the different principle of reducing the scope of capital punishment to the minimum necessary for that preservation of law and order , and confining it to those forms of murder for which it is not only a particularly necessary , but is also believed to be a particularly effective , deterrent .
13 I 'm just passing on gossip for what it 's worth . ’
14 But because there is some uncertainty about what it is to be a professional librarian and how to respond professionally to many situations , there can be rather tao many difficult decisions to be made ; and the dilemma is not helped by the weakness of the profession , both inherent and externally perceived , on the issue of censorship .
15 Every definition of it can be swiftly undermined , so there 's inevitable uncertainty about what it is that we should be celebrating .
16 Both questions are symptomatic of a reluctance to accept a linguistic practice for what it is .
17 They spill the beans , exposing the practice for what it is .
18 ( Jean-Paul Legrand ) Ulrike saw the fucking military-industrial conspiracy for what it is , and she sat on it .
19 In practice , whatever the solution adopted there is always an uncomfortable shifting of gears in the movement from one of these perspectives to the other : nor does the assertion of this or that ‘ homology ’ between style and narrative do much more than to pronounce resolved in advance the dilemma for which it was supposed to provide a working answer .
20 The founding of the Italian Fascist movement by Mussolini in 1919 , the first election of its members to the Italian parliament two years later and the street violence for which it was known , were primarily intended as a response to the new threat of ‘ Bolshevism ’ .
21 If we do , it must be punished immediately , and there must be no doubt in the horse 's mind about what it is being punished for .
22 Cautiously he mounted the remaining stairs , recognised the figure for what it was and stepped over it to the wheelhouse .
23 Integral parts of a coherent musical expression , consistent with the time in which he flourished , they provide vivid illustration of the organic relationship between a musical repertory , the instrument for which it was written , and the performance practice .
24 And Breeze took this ambiguous remark as the compliment for which it was intended .
25 Essential oils need to be diluted at a rate of ½ to 3 per cent , depending on the person 's skin , the strength of the essential oil and the condition for which it is being applied .
26 Without the pounds , boats in passage might have to wait while the locks above filled with water , before the lock through which it is passing can fill .
27 The present project constitutes a pilot study after which it is hoped to set up a longer term project to follow up the initial findings .
28 The type of answer required will be given by the answerer 's perception of what it is that is making the questioner curious .
29 Though our modern technology and civilization is based largely upon our ability to harness the electron , conventional physics still has no real perception of what it is we have got our hands on .
30 The model is now flying at the maximum speed of which it is capable and is in a situation where all power above that required to maintain height goes into making the model move forwards .
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