Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [subord] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Sybil gave a knowing smile as if to imply that in the interests of justice she was prepared to face up to this bizarre , extremely unpleasant but undeniable phenomenon .
2 Graham started to smile , though he thought the joke itself might be in rather poor taste , but then he was aware of Sara turning quickly , putting her glass on the mantelpiece and looking straight at him , coming closer , her face set in strange hard lines , eyes bright , taking him by the elbow and turning her head as if to emphasise that she was talking to Graham , ignoring Slater , saying , " You do dance , do n't you ? "
3 Massingham had driven in , for him , an unusual silence as if sensing that his chief was grateful for this small hiatus between knowledge and discovery .
4 One lot of As holds that not only do girls succeed in primary school , they continue to succeed in secondary school .
5 He recalled other ways in which she had led him on ; the snowy mittened fingers laid on his arm during their walks , the occasional side-glance as if to show that he did not displease her , her endurance , to say the least , of his company .
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