Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [num] it had " in BNC.

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1 However , it soon emerged that the DES had different ideas on the management of public sector higher education and by the spring of 1981 it had become generally known that it favoured the virtual cutting of the link between the local authorities and the polytechnics and the colleges and institutes of higher education substantially involved in offering advanced further education .
2 In the early eighteenth century about twenty families lived there , and according to the census of 1801 it had a population of 137 [ Baker , 2 , 720 ] .
3 After the death of King Olaf Tryggvason of Norway at the battle of Svold in 999 it had been ruled by Earl Eric of Lade and his brother Swegen under the sovereignty of Cnut 's father ; according to later Scandinavian tradition , Eric married Swegen Forkbeard 's daughter Gytha .
4 By the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 it had become the most professional in Europe .
5 When the Royal Bank bought the building in 1825 it had been the Government Office of Excise and quite correctly bore the Royal arms , although no-one had got around to updating them .
6 Since the stock of dinar assets held by households has risen much more slowly than this , the proportion of household assets held in foreign exchange accounts has steadily grown : while in 1980 this proportion was less than 40 per cent , by the end of 1986 it had reached nearly 70 per cent .
7 Towards the end of 1936 it had already become clear that the French blockade of Spain represented a serious blow to the Republican cause .
8 By the end of 1988 it had foreign debts of $100.4 billion , of which $70.6 billion came from 600 commercial banks .
9 In France , for example , the domestic CP market was launched at around the same time , but by the end of 1990 it had grown in size to FF165 billion , around four times the size of the UK market ( see Table 6.10 for a comparison of commercial paper markets in Europe , the ECP market and the US CP market ) .
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