Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The sponsors of the trust proposal see the new Ayr hospital as providing an excellent opportunity for further enhancing the quality of services provided in south Ayrshire .
2 If the ‘ need ’ can be clearly justified on social grounds then there is a prima facie case for either altering the distribution of income ( if that would permit the need to be translated into monetary demand ) or producing the product for social non-commodity distribution ( which would presumably involve nationalisation of the enterprises concerned ) .
3 As we have discussed , there is now available a conceptual framework for adequately understanding the changing nature of contemporary civil society .
4 Ralph Clarke and John Wood in defence saved more goals than they let in , and after the match Ralph was nicknamed Kamikaze for bravely tackling an 18 stone opponent .
5 In the most common case , the jury punishes an insurer for egregiously mishandling a health or property claim submitted by its own customer .
6 ‘ [ the ] doctrine as to the necessity for fully understanding the transaction is extended to transactions … such as guarantees given to a creditor by a wife for the benefit of her husband , particularly if there is a heavy past indebtedness to be secured .
7 An encore function for instantly repeating the last ten seconds of the scene you 've just watched .
8 Have governments a responsibility for actively regulating the private sector ?
9 They followed his three-year sentence for sexually abusing a 12-year-old boy .
10 He was serving an indefinite sentence for sexually assaulting a three-year-old girl .
11 I am only insisting first that this need not be the only justification for the power ( the normative power ) to commit oneself , and second , that one encourages reliance through knowingly undertaking an obligation .
12 No amount of talk about only permitting the tightrope-walker to fall will persuade otherwise .
13 A DUBLIN-BASED policeman has won a legal battle to prevent the Garda Commissioner from dismissing him from the force for allegedly offering a prostitute IR£30 for sex .
14 What 's that little rule about always leaving the bathroom as you 'd expect to find it ?
15 Göring was a particular target of popular displeasure for allegedly neglecting the build-up of the Luftwaffe , but the criticism extended to ‘ the person of the Führer ’ himself .
16 I 've also provided the equation for quickly producing the template .
17 It was probably at some time during that same period when the dawning need to rely on a ‘ god ‘ first disturbed the developing human being , that he started to enjoy pleasures which were not the result of simply satisfying the desires associated with his physical evolution .
18 Now that the music had died down , Cleo wanted to ask a hundred questions , but fear of somehow affecting the efficacy of the operation held her tongue .
19 The consensus among most observers was that an inadequate , watered-down agreement had been accepted reluctantly by the conference for fear of completely alienating the United States .
20 Includes Death Penalty Debate ( Sat 7 ) to follow screening of much acclaimed The Thin Blue Line .
21 But any form of ‘ editing ’ the file card in this way must introduce some small risk of giving an impression that is slightly awry , and we would prefer the UAPT practice of invariably giving the ‘ black ’ information entirely unabridged , although recognising the savings in time and therefore the cost that the CD procedure must allow .
22 This is the practice of always supplying a 13 amp fuse with a plug .
23 Bridget Riley had no intention of either presenting an account of Poussin 's aims and procedures , or of demonstrating Veronese 's debts to his predecessors in Venetian art , as a historian would have felt a duty to do .
24 Ghana 's intention of shortly becoming a republic was discussed and no objection was raised , though the British prime Minister insisted this ‘ must follow an orderly course ’ .
25 We planted the major part of the scheme in three rows with the intention of eventually coppicing the smaller varieties but it very soon became obvious that the grass cutting was too big a job for our ancient mower .
26 ‘ We got no hint that there was any intention of even cutting the grant .
27 On 1 March he published his intention of inviolably observing the Charter of the Forest in all its articles : he appointed four commissioners to supervise the making in each forest county of ‘ a true perambulation , namely that which was made in the time of the lord King Henry our father , which has not yet been challenged ’ .
28 The lasting memory of the meeting being that you did n't enjoy it and have no intention of ever attending a similar event .
29 ‘ With the intention of permanently depriving the other of it ’ briefly means treating the property as his own regardless of the other 's rights , e.g. giving the property away , selling it , or painting it , etc .
30 with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it .
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