Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nottingham34 Rosslyn Park9 TEARAWAY flanker Martin Pepper provided the spice for Nottingham with a hat-trick of tries and a vague mathematical chance of staying in Courage League One next season .
2 The Congress then signalled its support for Ryzhkov with a thunderous and sustained ovation .
3 But there was disappointment for Britain with the men 's lightweight four of Christopher Bates , Carl Smith , Thomas Kay and Toby Hessian , who were chasing their third successive world gold .
4 There is a famous story of Nilsson arriving at a rehearsal of his Metropolitan Ring as Brünnhilde with a miner 's lamp on her head : the conductor was well spotlit , but no one could see what was happening on stage .
5 The silver denarius was not established on a permanent footing until the Second Pubic War ( fig.39 : c , d ) , and gold only came to dominate the imperial coinage and advertise the power and majesty of Rome with the extension of the Empire ( fig.39 : e , f ) .
6 The association of Chedworth with the cult of Lenus-Mars ( Appendix , no. 1 ) is of significance when related to the information about the temple and other buildings in the valley , though our knowledge is at present very limited .
7 Presidential and mayoral elections : on May 26 , 1991 , Gamsakhurdia was elected President of Georgia with a majority of 86.5 per cent [ see p. 38206 ] ; on June 16 Yeltsin was elected President of the Russian Federation [ see p. 38237 ] , and Gavriil Popov and Anatoly Sobchak were elected mayors of Moscow and Leningrad respectively with comfortable majorities .
8 The linking of the national President of Mexico with the workers through clientelist relationships can be seen in the pattern of strikes over the years .
9 But the greatest potential damage to Rangers ' hopes of victory would be the loss of McCoist with a calf injury .
10 They appeared to be gaining ground on the continent of Europe with a terrifying self-confidence and a nightmare rapidity .
11 It was only after a passionate entreaty by his relative Lady Frances Wingfield , who lived in St. Martin 's , that Cromwell relented and he later presented the widowed countess of Burghley with a portrait of himself .
12 Hinde House School is located in the North-East of Sheffield with a catchment area which is adjacent to the M1 overlooking the Tinsley Viaduct .
13 Nineteenth-century industrial settlements grew up on the north side of Bolton with the great textile boom , when wealthy mill-owners created model villages after the example of Port Sunlight ( q.v . ) .
14 He had recognized papal rule over the Patrimony ( from Radicofani to Ceprano ) , the duchy of Spoleto , the March of Ancona with the duchy of Ravenna and the Matildine territory , " with other adjacent lands mentioned in many imperial privileges " .
15 We also managed visits to Belfast and Douglas , Isle of Man , and had an interesting run down the east coast of Ireland with a short stay at the fishing village of Donaghadee .
16 ’ It is most important that the French should be aware of the united action of England with the other powers , the knowledge of it will have a most wholesome influence on the French government . ’
17 Some approach the canonical figure of Degas with a frontal attack on the patriarchal structure of art history itself ( most vocally expressed by the feminist critiques of Pollock and Callen ) , others offer more tentative snipes at aspects and details of individual works .
18 Another figure of Hercules with a bow appears on a beaker from Godmanchester ( fig. 14.38 ) Only the top of the bow survives but it is clear from its shape that it is of the eastern type .
19 Scotland trailed in last in the Boys Quadrangular International , yesterday at Is Molas , Sardinia , after following Saturday 's defeat against France with a 8-4 loss at the hands of host nation Italy .
20 Up the Empire ! ’ to a group of communist students from the UK gathered at the bar of his hotel , promises to do something about the ‘ blooming awful ’ state of Soviet plumbing and ends up making a deal with Stalin with the insouciance of George Formby addressing himself to Hitler .
21 It was just one hundred and seven days since , sailing from exile in Elba with a mere thousand men , he had landed on an empty beach in southern France .
22 Neame 's replacement on Hello-Goodbye was Romanian-born director Jean Negulesco , an exile in America with a string of films behind him , including the Marilyn Monroe picture How To Marry a Millionaire .
23 Workwear gets another boost in July with the opening of The PIL Shop , stocking all the usual suspects — Hard Yakka , Brundstone , Carhartt — plus utility wear from Thailand and Vietnam , leather and suede tool belts , made-for-industry gloves and Australian Stanley knives .
24 There was another disappointing result in Europe with the deficit for the quarter up from $11.2m to $12.4m .
25 It appears that the enemy has suffered a major defeat in Normandy with a large amount of casualties and loss of heavy equipment .
26 Our rail network is the lowest funded , the lowest staffed and has the lowest investment programme in Europe with the poorest quality service and the fastest declining level of safety , but B R has the highest fares .
27 SPANISH golf ace Jose-Maria Olazabal grumbled yesterday after taking the lead in the Lancome Trophy in Paris with a first-round five-under-par 65 .
28 A third source , the Chronicle of 452 , gives a date of 415 , which is plainly wrong , although the error may result from confusion of Athaulf 's period of rule in Narbonne with the later settlement .
29 Imaginative and headstrong , he became an art student , throwing himself wholeheartedly into all the extracurricular activities of the day , including , in 1968 , organising a student occupation of his art college in Croydon with a friend , Jamie Reid .
30 Comparative land values indicated the superiority of free labour ; Steele 's Barbados experiment was taken as a success economically as well as morally ; evidence comparing hired out slave labour in Virginia with the maintenance of free labour in Pennsylvania indicated the relative cheapness of free labour .
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