Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Tweed 's finger traced a route through Liège to the east and then down through the Ardennes , a remote hilly district .
2 The influence of his mother 's family secured Pyne 's election for Poole to the Parliaments of 1625 , 1626 , and 1628 , but he did little in Westminster .
3 IAN LUCAS has recently moved from working as a freelance journalist for PFK to a full time position on our sister title Fishkeeping Answers .
4 The Government 's decision not to refer Anglo-Welsh 's bid for Palatine to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission has set alarm bells ringing throughout the brewing industry .
5 Although the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry decided not to refer the bid for Pilkington to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission , BTR abandoned its attempt to takeover the company , claiming that this had been motivated , not by adverse public reaction and the political storm created , but by Pilkington 's better than expected profits forecast , which indicated that the likely price required to capture the company would be greater than BTR was willing to pay .
6 Yeltsin took the opportunity of the summit to warn that the reform process in Russia could be jeopardized by economic problems ; Bush was reported to support early entry for Russia to the IMF , but there were no new US aid proposals .
7 If I may quote Professor Moule 's wise words again , ‘ Authentic Christianity finds itself uttering , in the power of the Spirit of God , the address of Jesus Christ the Son of God to God the Father , and thus bearing witness about Jesus to the world .
8 The full assimilation of this population to the native English and the submergence of Anglo-Norman culture within English culture took several centuries to complete , while the political separation of English and French territory was not complete until the loss of Calais to the English crown in the mid-sixteenth century .
9 Letters formal : pleas for forgiveness/mercy requests for planning permission requests that the selfish giant let people play in his garden from the Mayor of Hamelin to the Pied Piper petitions ( for the release of the children of Hamelin ) .
10 A charter in 1033 , granting the manor of Patrington to the Archbishop of York , describes the boundaries of the manor which , except on the south where changes have taken place along the river Humber , appear to coincide with the present boundaries of the parish .
11 Hewlett-Packard Co has beaten both the incumbent mainframe supplies , IBM Corp and Unisys Corp to a contract with Televerket of Stockholm to an initial $4.6m contract that could grow to $100m by 1996 .
12 Can we entrust the future of Europe to a Germany which has still not wholly rid itself of a nationalism that hankers , whatever is said officially , over the ‘ lost ’ territories in the East , that still sees Germans as superior to other nations and races , that still relishes power over others ?
13 Can we entrust the future of Europe to a Germany which has still not wholly rid itself of a nationalism that hankers , whatever is said officially , over the ‘ lost ’ territories in the East , that still sees Germans as superior to other nations and races , that still relishes power over others ?
14 In 1922 the percentage of households without even a plough was 32.7 in the Central Industrial Region , 33.6 in the Siberian guberniia of Omsk , and 55.8 in the guberniia of Tsaritsyn to the south of Saratov .
15 They crossed from one side of London to the other .
16 After comfortable MCC draws against Western Australia and an Australian XI , we set off by train for more than four months of practically non-stop cricket from one side of Australia to the other .
17 Sew the looped side of Velcro to the back of the quilt and then press the two firmly together in position .
18 THURSDAY : Sail north through the straits between the mainland and the east coast of Lefkas to the island 's capital .
19 Others fly over western Europe , the west coast of Africa to the Cape of Good Hope .
20 Fifteen miles away from Menzion you can join the Southern Upland Way , which runs for 212 miles from the south-west coast of Scotland to the eastern seaboard .
21 His fellows include those who brought bananas from the Indian Ocean coast to the highlands of east Africa , those who brought cassava from the Atlantic coast of Angola to the forests of Zaire , and those who first trekked the hump-backed Zebu cattle down the valley of the Nile .
22 I carried in tray after tray of Whiskas to the Gairloch store .
23 To drive from Lascaux of the prehistoric caves in the Dordogne right across country to Valence on the Rhone is possibly not the most expeditious way of getting from the deep south-west of France to the Mediterranean .
24 Any elevation of Gloucester to a position of supreme authority during the minority would , however , have destroyed the very continuity which , on this interpretation , Edward was seeking .
25 Any elevation of Gloucester to a position of supreme authority during the minority would , however , have destroyed the very continuity which , on this interpretation , Edward was seeking .
26 Nearer to home , the London Letter reported the elevation of Disraeli to the peerage ‘ for reasons of health ’ , also that ‘ the number of lunatics in England and Wales on the first of January last was 64,619 , being 1123 more than in the previous years . ’
27 As expected ( UX No 394 ) , IXI finally got its ‘ multi-million ’ OEM deal with DEC to the announcement stage last week , a process its been working towards for quite some time .
28 These illustrate domestic interiors of diverse social classes , from an emperor 's bedroom in Portugal to the bedroom of a Russian dacha .
29 The SPLA claimed that the Bright Star campaign forces had captured the garrison town of Kajo Kaji , on the White Nile , 100 km south of Juba , on Jan. 6 , after destroying an armoured column sent to relieve the town ; Kaya garrison , to the west of Kajo Kaji , reportedly fell on Jan. 14 , and on Jan. 28 the SPLA claimed to have captured the town of Yei , on the main road south-west from Juba to the frontier with Zaïre .
30 In the north , Charlemagne 's empire covered Slovenia — the land of the Slovenes — the mid-Sava valley and the northern Adriatic coast from Istria to the neighbourhood of Šibenik .
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