Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] for some " in BNC.

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1 Well , by all means , let's do that , and has been represented in committee for some time , we have responsibility for licenses for some time , and if there is n't a dialogue now , then there 'll be a good reason why there is n't , and I , I take what you say , Liz .
2 The idea of establishing elective councils outside the existing administration with responsibilities for some aspects of local government therefore made sense to ministers .
3 ‘ Self-determination is the right of all people in the world , including Germans , but it only makes sense when one does not lose sight of the concerns of others … we are coming to the end of a century which has seen the special responsibility of Germans for some terrible things . ’
4 These are books by middle-aged semi-Scots who have chosen to publish accounts of their early lives which lay stress on the troubles they experienced , on the troubles inflicted , within their respective environments , by poverty and servitude , and on the responsibility of relatives for some of what the writers had to suffer .
5 The librarian smelt of almonds for some reason , and assured the chief inspector that Swod was a respected historian who knew much about the Poles and their links with the British secret service .
6 Their paths about Earth were variously epicyclic and prompted a study of a geometry of curves for some 2000 years .
7 With inverted files the records are held in a data area on disk , but there is also an index which contains values or a range of values for some of the data .
8 The French manufacturers Arva , who have been making an interesting alternative range of transceivers for some years , have now developed a system of amplifying the radio signal so that a ski patroller in a helicopter can home in on a buried skier .
9 An important question with implications for some translation-related activities such as abridging , expanding , or any form of rewriting which introduces or deletes gaps between a certain item and its subsequent mention in a text is this : how long can an element be assumed to remain in the addressee 's consciousness ?
10 With dependent work , the worker appears to work on his own but , in reality , he is dependent on a firm or group of firms for some vital part of his work , such as premises , equipment , supplies , or outlet .
11 With some 15,500 outlets for their business , solicitors are likely to remain for some time the principal providers of legal services even if there is considerable expansion of alternatives to the use of solicitors for some legal work ( The Law Society , 1990 ) .
12 In a number of countries for some years , the wearing of crash helmets by motor cyclists has been obligatory .
13 However , it should be noted that the LIFESPAN development team have been running LIFESPAN with a very large number of modules for some considerable time , and despite many VMS crashes , none have had any effect on the self consistency of LIFESPAN .
14 We got a whole teacher got a whole lot of letters for some piece all about collecting cans for getting trees and it was them letters .
15 My mother had n't mentioned the matter of invitations for some days .
16 Understanding language development for all prospective parents , second language learning for all prospective language learners , language structure and the history of languages for some students at least , have been encouraged in some schools ( Donmall , 1985 ) .
17 Analysis of cells from these rats showed that drug action had interfered with the expression of genes for some of the proteins designed to move sugar into muscle and fat cells , exactly the target tissues which must be stimulated by insulin if they are to take up excess sugar .
18 Lisa was heckled during her speech of thanks for some crystalware — given to her as part of the Diamond Jubilee celebration of the Blackpool Lights .
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