Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] large " in BNC.

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1 As well as providing the bulk of labour for large plantations , they carried out menial tasks in Colombo and other urban centres .
2 Where foreign-owned corporations created serious unemployment , it arose from their characteristic concentration of investment in large sites .
3 The loss of socializing the faith in the home leads to its loss in society at large .
4 Here the wider concern is the increased violence in society at large .
5 The explanation given for this splitting of conception from execution with large batch sizes was that ‘ the smaller the batch size is , the greater is the need for frequent conversion of machines to new tools , fixtures and parts programmes , and the less is machine-setting expertise differentiated from operating ’ ( Sorge et al. 1983 , 150 ) .
6 The Mega CD should be fun , though its only real effect on society at large will be a new set of designer tidy racks at Woolies .
7 Yes , this is what big shops , particularly in America , have now been doing for a few years , in that the till that takes your order as it were is also a computer terminal on line to large computers somewhere else , and every time your tin of baked bins is checked out by the girl on the till , it is adjusting the stocks on its large computer and saying , ‘ Hey , we 're going to run out of baked beans at approximately ten o'clock tomorrow morning .
8 Even worse has been the invention of a whole pseudo-history of roads and tracks based on the tracing of communication across large areas of countryside and explaining the results in terms of prehistoric ways or medieval roads .
9 This was the first wave of privatization of large enterprises , which was intended to raise $1,500 million in foreign investment in 1991 and $3,000 million in 1992 .
10 Marketing a school involves balancing a society 's needs for a cultured population against the immediate demands of parents , providers and consumers so as to maximise the school 's contribution to the well-being of society at large
11 Although the map does not reveal how far away they are , and thus their three-dimensional layout , statistics derived from it show a higher degree of structure at large scales — supercluster size and upwards — than CDM would predict .
12 The discussion in Section 20.3 of the energy cascade did not consider the mechanism by which the transfer of energy from large scales to small scales occurs .
13 Protection — Businesses of whatever size benefit from protection against large and established interests engaging in anti-competitive behaviour or abuses of their dominant positions .
14 It also seeks to throw light on the role assumed by planters and the planting lobby in society at large .
15 Figure 2.4 offers a broad international comparison which highlights the consequences of much higher levels of capital equipment per worker in large Japanese firms for the size of the productivity gap .
16 Sharp swings in business activity , changing corporate cash requirements and the perceived need for industry at large to focus its operations , are all likely to produce opportunities for divestment and hence for the application of venture capital .
17 From 5 to 6 p.m. a rain of pumice in large pieces , quite warm , fell upon the ship .
18 In the Japanese setting , for example , it would be wholly inappropriate to conclude that a particular element such as seniority-based wage payments would be desirable as a policy prescription elsewhere , without a prior understanding of how that wage system relates both to the general security of employment in large Japanese firms and , possibly , the cultural assumptions concerning the importance of age in other parts of Japanese society ( Dore , 1973 ) .
19 Is there a new generosity of spirit at large among artists ?
20 The diurnal birds of prey are a large , distinctive group of medium to large long-winged birds , adapted to flesh-eating by their hooked bills and powerful talons ; their nostrils in a cere at the base of the bill .
21 Hirsch is trailing his coat , but he is concerned with what takes place in society at large , not in college courses .
22 The difference in performance between large and small hardware firms was less marked than for the other sectors .
23 Over the next 13 years the Polish People 's Army was buffeted by instability in the Party , internal divisions amongst its own commanders and unrest in society at large .
24 What are the features of denial in society at large ?
25 The emergence of the stream-of-consciousness novel at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries was obviously related to a huge epistemological shift in culture at large , from locating reality in the objective world of actions and things as perceived by common sense , to locating it in the minds of individual thinking subjects , each of whom constructs their own reality , and has difficulty in matching it with the reality constructed by others .
26 This gentrification is taking place cheek by jowl with large public-housing projects , exactly the kind of urban renewal that pessimists thought American cities would never again be able to manage .
27 That 's very important to understand , for most of the aircraft 's performance and behaviour is governed by its formidable ability to accelerate or decelerate because of the availability of power in large quantities and propeller drag in proportional amounts .
28 But 90 was thought to be too many to be easily controlled from the centre , which meant retaining the existing tier of regional administration as an executive arm of government , while the variation in population size was tackled by creating a third tier of management in large areas : the district .
29 We can assess roughly the impact of Freud 's teaching and doctrine on the academic and clinical mind , but it is an immense task to document the slow , informal irrigation of society at large by new ideas .
30 The development of software for large scale econometric models .
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