Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] over the " in BNC.

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1 The most spectacular case where the government lost control of the timetable was in the spring of 1969 over the Parliament ( No. 2 ) — House of Lords Reform — Bill .
2 Nationwide rioting in 1918 over the price of rice started in rural areas and threatened to reduce the country to chaos .
3 Halsey and his associates provide abundant evidence in support of this over the years .
4 Plans for the better distribution of population and employment were still needed , but one academic observer reported in 1957 : After 13 years the Conservatives lost office ; in the general election of October 1964 Harold Wilson won power with a slender majority of four over the other parties .
5 After a high turnout poll , Mr Ashdown retained the Somerset seat with 30,950 votes , a majority of 8,833 over the Tories — an increase of 3,133 on 1987 .
6 The following phrases will prevent the plan from prevailing over the verbal description : " for the purpose of identification only " " for the purpose of facilitating identification only " " only for the purposes of identification " ( Hopgood v Brown [ 1955 ] 1 WLR 213 ; Webb v Nightingale ( 1957 ) 169 EG 330 ) .
7 The precedent suggests the inclusion of a plan and , while it is suggested that where the premises are clearly defined there is no necessity for a plan , there is little doubt that a plan stated to be for identification purposes ( and thereby preventing the plan from prevailing over the verbal description ) is advisable .
8 She was going to need every moment of tutoring over the next three weeks .
9 On this issue the debate between T. H. Huxley and Bishop Wilberforce at the British Association meeting of 1860 over the significance of Darwin 's recently published The Origin of Species has entered into our mythology .
10 He was concerned about de Gaulle 's anti-Americanism , but was pleased by the support he had received from the French leader in 1958–61 over the Berlin crises with Russia .
11 Any kind of progression from the LEA system into a university of the kind accomplished by the CATs would be completely alien to the concept … the polytechnics were centres of comprehensive tertiary education for those over the age of 18 … they must offer a full range of courses , including some with modest entry qualifications designed for mature students …
12 The Sparc Vector II processor is claimed to boost vector performance of the superserver product by a factor of four over the previous S-MP vector module .
13 A Home Office statistical bulletin said nationally police recorded an 11pc increase in offences in the last quarter of 1991 over the same period in 1990 .
14 You must if if you 're scared if you have any doubts about putting the price of that over the phone then forget doing this .
15 Although Gregory came into conflict with Chilperic over the immunities of Tours , the original concessions must indicate that in certain circumstances kings were happy to make grants to their bishops .
16 Met someone today , the third of a partnership trio in which I have had contact with two over the years for different reasons and he said look in re CV for i/view practice if I want — he was with a local enterprise company helping with startups and job searches and now voluntarily helps with just such a counselling group via one of the big churches in Edinburgh for redundant executives — the figure quoted to me recently re architects in Scotland is that forty per cent are redundant .
17 This complaint is said to affect one person in three over the age of 60 in the West .
18 Wicketkeeper Donald Orr had two catches plus a stumping , to take his tally to seven over the two matches .
19 Education Secretary John Patten says the Government wants to boost the number of students in further education by 222,000 over the next three years .
20 They were pretty good at making appointments but they could n't cope with sales , and there 's been a tremendous change in that over the last two years .
21 There has been no change in this over the years .
22 On the other hand the following phrases will prevent the verbal description from prevailing over the plan : " more particularly delineated " " more particularly described " " more precisely delineated " ( Eastwood v Ashton [ 1915 ] AC 900 ; Wallington v Townsend [ 1939 ] Ch 588 ) .
23 On Feb. 26 , 1991 , the Anglo-Dutch food and cleaning products company , Unilever , announced that it would be cutting 5,500 jobs from a total workforce of 110,000 over the next three years .
24 The Pensions Act which became law in August 1908 granted a pension of between 1s. and 5s. per week to those over the age of seventy with incomes of between £21 and £31 10s. p.a. , provided that they had not been imprisoned for any offence , including drunkenness , during the ten years preceding their claim , were not aliens or wives of aliens , and could satisfy the pension authority that they had not been guilty of ‘ habitual failure to work according to his ability , opportunity or need , for his own maintenance and that of his legal relatives ’ .
25 Kodak has halved its UK workforce to 6,000 over the past 14 years .
26 Sometimes social researchers are not able to achieve any control at all over the research setting , and are forced to observe the world as it occurs naturally .
27 It might be thought that a programme which proposes to cut the federal workforce by 100,000 over the next four years had scant claim to be a drive for jobs .
28 It is slashing its UK retailing workforce by 3,500 over the next five years , a staggering 20% of the 15,000 total .
29 Peter Monteith 's gallant campaigner ran unplaced on the Flat at Ayr just 48 hours previously but , though still to score on the level , he has now amassed four hurdle wins in addition to 12 over the bigger obstacles .
30 In other words , one legacy of the regime of Councillor Pickles and his colleagues has been a city where the Conservatives have managed to stem the tide to Labour over the past decade .
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