Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] [was/were] to " in BNC.

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1 When this was first published ( Hawkes and Hull , 1947 ) , Period I was placed in the bracket AD 10 — 42 , on the basis of Tiberian sigillata and Arretine wares , and one interesting result of this was to date the Roman pottery from Bagendon to the pre-conquest period ( Clifford , 1961 , 257 ) .
2 Confirmation of this was to be found in Geoff 's continued success in the full England international side when he appeared in Graham Taylor 's starting line-up for both the post-season matches at Wembley and then distinguished himself in all four games on the Australasian tour .
3 One effect of this was to fuel concern in Israel that a deal might be struck which would somehow link the Kuwait and Palestinian issues .
4 Other evidence of the amorphous state of the electorate in 1980 was to be found in poll data revealing rapidly shifting tides of support for various candidates .
5 The Forest Charter of 1217 and the Forest Ordinance of 1306 were to be strictly observed .
6 Even if the concept of domicile in the context of the Act of 1988 were to be accorded by the United Kingdom courts a meaning similar to that prevailing in other member states , the applicants in the main proceedings would still contend that the domicile requirement was contrary to Community law .
7 Servicing foreign loans ( totalling US$42,000 million ) would cost Rps14,300,000 million , an increase of 10 per cent , although Suharto said that new foreign borrowing for 1991-92 was to be cut by some 8 per cent to Rps10,370,000 million .
8 Her punishment for this was to be thrown into the arena .
9 The basis in threes was to be expected if God was a Trinity ; and indeed in Swainson 's high-church theology , we should expect to find in nature a network of analogies and symbols .
10 Mrs Thatcher 's election to Party Leader in 1975 was to be immensely significant in the context of post-war politics : the tradition of consensual , one-nation government ( which had dominated Conservative governments since 1951 ) was , if not to disappear , to become far less dominant .
11 These final decades before the catastrophe of 1914 were to be the ‘ Indian summer ’ , the belle époque of bourgeois life , retrospectively lamented by its survivors .
12 His original leanings were towards railway engineering and he maintained an interest in the subject all his life , but his first appointment in 1869 was to the Indian government telegraph department in Karachi , on whose behalf he visited Baluchistan , Mesopotamia , and Turkey , receiving special mention for his proficiency in the testing of land line and submarine cables .
13 His first academic appointment in 1902 was to the metallurgy department of King 's College , London .
14 It was to start on the night of 17 November , and L Detachment 's role in this was to be small but potentially crucial .
15 But the world of 1806 was to Captain Marryat what the world of 1935 is to us , at this moment , a middling sort of place , where there is nothing out of the way in a sailor with a pigtail or in a bumboat woman volleying hoarse English .
16 In addition , further renewal of MFN status in 1992 was to be dependent on China meeting stringent conditions concerned with ( i ) improving human rights ; ( ii ) ending the export of goods produced in prison labour camps ; and ( iii ) controlling the sale of ballistic missiles to the Middle East .
17 Proof of that was to be found in the returns to Parliament during 1826 and 1827 which showed that out of sixty-seven executions ordered against goods only forty produced payment .
18 The houses were to be built at a pre-arranged cost and the architectural detail of each was to be carefully considered .
19 However , the three DHSS manuals were not to be a permanent part of the system so only one copy of each was to be supplied per bureau .
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