Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The new policy shifted emphasis away from fighting inflation , aiming to halt recession through greater investment in state enterprises and by boosting exports .
2 Thus Lucas can be seen to be estimating a regression for each country in which that country 's deviation of real output from its natural level is regressed on its own lagged value and Lucas 's measure of the unpredictable and therefore unanticipated component of aggregate demand .
3 After the band split up , Tex became a railway clerk for British Rail at Garston freight depot .
4 A campaign to protect the habitat of migratory birds has been launched by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB ) , as part of an international initiative by Birdlife International , which seeks official protection for 2,680 sites within Europe classified as crucial for the survival of many birds .
5 By refusing to agree to the social chapter , is not he wanting to exclude British people from the provisions for equal status for 6 million part-time employees , many of whom are women ; for fair and equal treatment for women at work ; for proper protection for young people at work ; for rights to minimum holiday leave ; and for better information for employees ?
6 Another thirty Health and Safety proposals are on the way such as that on working time in the news last week and another to restore the protection for young people at work which we 've lost over the last decade , and just as important the union has just n not just reacting to what 's coming out of Brussels , it 's actually helping set the agenda .
7 In such a climate of change the 29th Edition Rules for Automatic Sprinkler Systems can only indicate that required sprinkler protection for broad categories of commodity .
8 The directive will provide limited protection for 13 species of Britain 's " nuisance " birds .
9 The exceptional talents of CI5 are spread quite thin in the pursuit of protection for all manner of important persons , from very may different nations . ’
10 Treaties have been concluded to foster a common standard of treatment for individuals , to provide additional protection for certain categories of individuals , to impose obligations upon individuals , and to facilitate the exercise of municipal jurisdiction over individuals .
11 Solent Diagnostics has introduced a new non greasy , non toxic , barrier cream skin protection product that will give full protection for four hours with one application .
12 A world-wide Mareva injunction now always contains a proviso designed to afford some protection for third parties from what would otherwise be ‘ an altogether exorbitant , extra-territorial jurisdiction ’ .
13 The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 provides special protection for 304 species of birds and animals , as well as protecting our heritage of wild plants .
14 BRACKEN HOUSE , THE former home of the Financial Times , came under threat at the time ministers were considering the introduction of the Thirty Year Rule on listing ( see page 149 ) , and probably played a major part in securing the greater protection for post-war buildings of excellence that SAVE had sought for so long .
15 A sheath ( condom , johnny , french letter , " Durex " ) plus a spermicide provides good protection for both partners against both unwanted disease and unwanted pregnancies .
16 Among other things , he stressed the role of the railways in unifying the country , advocating state responsibility for these , and state protection for nascent industries from the tyranny of English free trade .
17 It was accepted that member states would operate their own national regional assistance instruments , whereas the Community 's preoccupation would be to ensure that national aid did not conflict with its competition policy , by providing protection for domestic industries under the guise of regional aid .
18 Before World War II , Brazil introduced high rates of effective protection for local manufacturers against imports ( up to nearly 70 per cent during the 1960s ) and thus created a strong and enduring anti-export bias ( Balassa , 1985 : p. 27 ) .
19 This assures a level of protection for clean areas beyond that provided by the primary and secondary ambient air quality standards ( Ward , 1981 ) .
20 In short , to remove the entitlement for legal aid for this entire area of work .
21 In 1976 , the government pegged the grant for future years to the 1975 level in real terms , while expecting a comparable service to be maintained .
22 To test the new procedures , however , county hall decided to spend some of last year 's specific grant for mental illness on four new care managers .
23 However , the same block grant system was retained , and the GREA formulae tightened to produce at the local level deductions of grant for all levels of expenditure .
24 In practice , this meant that a polytechnic or college of higher education could obtain a 100 per cent grant for that proportion of the establishment 's work which fell within the definition of ‘ poolable advanced further education ’ as agreed by local authorities .
25 What they 're doing is actually going a lot further , and supply us all the their ac accounts and details , and they 've actually sort of called it a grant for partial costs of materials , right , so we 're actually
26 Prior to 10 April , 1988 , a young person in this situation could apply to the Department of Health and Social Security , as it then was , for a single payment grant for essential items of furniture .
27 In the 13th year of Edward I , Adam de Bavent obtained a grant for free warren for his lands in Halling .
28 Thus , during treatment there are visits to some meetings of appropriate Anonymous Fellowships outside the treatment centre so that there is preparation for long-term commitment to recovery through the Anonymous Fellowships .
29 The module is equally suitable as preparation for future adulthood with young people in full education and as a complement to the experience of parenting with adults returning to education .
30 The style was constantly attracting new figures and had influenced , directly or indirectly , almost every significant young painter in Europe ; even Matisse , whose art had always seemed at the opposite pole to Cubism , was introducing a hitherto unknown severity into his painting in preparation for Cubistic experiments in 1915 .
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