Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] [conj] give " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless these suspicions resulted in his being removed from his position as president in 1844 and given the post of judicial assessor , which meant , in effect , becoming second-in-command to a governor appointed by the Colonial Office .
2 And manager Porterfield is now hoping his blend of youth and experience can land Chelsea 's first major trophy since 1971 and give their success-starved fans something to smile about .
3 I bit the shell of one and gave the kernel to her , and then bit another and pretended it had broken one of my teeth and I was in too much pain . ’
4 For example , I pass through a sequence of states identical to one passed through by a native Chinese speaker in being presented with a question in Chinese and giving the answer in Chinese .
5 He tried to develop his own Formula One team in 1976 but gave that up in 1980 when near to financial disaster .
6 I took Tim to the match one Easter Monday they played Luton in league match , and Ted played , the old Ipswich player , and we go absolutely , it rained , hailed , blew , and we got home soaked to the skin you know , and er it seems to make you feel better if they win you know , but if you sort of put up with those sort of things and they , they lose it 's makes you feel right down in the dumps , but when they get promoted like they did last time it 's remarkable , it 's been remarked about this aspect , that people in local industry seem to work harder , and it seems to be a boost in general local traders make shop window displays and it seems to be a boost to the town in general and give a lift to the town if you like
7 In less than three weeks the army gathered nearly four thousand signatures for a petition demanding a new criminal law amendment act , raising the age of consent to eighteen and giving the police increased powers to search and arrest brothel-keepers .
8 In February 1884 Sir Vernon Harcourt , Liberal Home Secretary , received petitions from Bath Preventive Mission and Ladies ' Association for the Care of Friendless Girls , calling for immediate legislation raising the age of consent to eighteen and giving the police greater powers .
9 The management committee will meet and it will divide the money into two and give each one however much the management committee feels that it should have and that management committee need not meet again for twelve months because there will be nothing for it to do .
10 It will provide harmless fun for millions and give valuable funding to the Arts and sports .
11 you have to fill in the rest of that and give it back to me .
12 It was presented , to Darlington Harrier Andy Campbell , when the race was established as an open event in 1904 and given to Duncan McLeod-Wright to keep when the Scottish runner became the first man to win three times , in 1929 .
13 We had taken evidence in public and given all the interested parties the chance to have their say .
14 The two largest of these were especially fine — one representing the Patron Saint as a Roman Soldier on horseback , cutting his cloak in half and giving a half to a beggar .
15 With the outbreak of war the ILP put itself in opposition to the trade-union leaders by its refusal to support the war and by its criticism of those Labour Party members who either joined the government after 1916 or gave it their loyal parliamentary support .
16 The permanent secretary , Sir Peter Thornton , saw the sense of this and gave the idea his blessing .
17 Two goals from Butt and one from Beckham , with McCall pulling one back for Palace , were enough to silence an enthusiastic crowd of 7,825 and give United a two-goal advantage for their return leg at Old Trafford as they challenge for a record seventh Youth Cup win .
18 [ At a meeting of EC immigration ministers on June 13-14 Denmark announced that it had signed the convention , which was designed to deal with difficulties resulting from asylum seekers moving from one EC country to another and to give asylum seekers a guarantee that their application would be examined by one member country .
19 This is cold-blooded business indeed , just as was the Balfour Declaration of 1917 that gave Britain 's support to a Jewish homeland providing that ‘ nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine ’ .
20 I asked him to let me have his agreement to this and give me the destination . "
21 Seen to be an ‘ effect ’ of the Universal or Unified Field , it is able to transmit energy patterns from one natural source to another and give rise to a physical formation of those patterns — in other words , the field is believed to be the agent for creation , growth and development throughout nature .
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