Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] when we " in BNC.

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1 The following summer I was in command of Searcher when we paid a courtesy visit to Holland .
2 I remember the brief darkness at midnight when the arc lamps lit the decks ; the interminable hours of daylight ; the unceasing work with men too tired to talk ; the hurried meals ; the luxury of sleep when we were moving from one fishing ground to another .
3 I could see he was troubled by the need to start a new piece of paper when we got back to the surgery .
4 Because it , it 's terrifying looking at a blank piece of paper when we needed ways to start the comment .
5 ‘ Through one acquisition or a combination of acquisitions , I would like to be in excess of $100m in revenue in Italy when we go into next year , but that will only happen if we find the right match .
6 If you have already rejected hotels as too pricey , and youth hostels as too lugubrious , then two further types of accommodation spring to mind when we consider the problem of finding accommodation in the wild and lonely Scottish hills : bothies and tents .
7 It seems odd that the coal pfennig has been given the green light by Brussels when we have been continually led to believe that state aid for our coal industry would not be allowed .
8 Put up a detailed proposal for consideration when we get back , and we 'll see if they buy the specifics . ’
9 We need to take account of this range of experience when we plan drama with young children .
10 It is better to attack the whole question of accompaniment when we have an entire melodic section complete .
11 There was n't a single guard on duty when we got there .
12 An American controller on duty when we requested permission to land later took us to a hotel at 10 pm .
13 It was just like Ireland to have a disastrous afternoon against Wales when we had been set up by the bookies as firm favourites .
14 There is certainly no room for complacency when we debate pensions and the other provisions in the orders .
15 To buy a brand new PA system costs a lot of money for a single person , and as a group it is a huge risk as we are still at school ( lower 6th ) and do not wish to spend that sort of money when we can not guarantee we will still be together in a week , let alone a year 's time .
16 So it 's all about sharing things out and it gets into this sort of fractions when we get when there 's not enough to go round and we have to start cutting things up cutting the pizza up .
17 I privately made up my mind to do away with that sort of thing when we took over ; such things should not be allowed .
18 So I am startled by his abrupt shift of tone when we discuss women-led initiatives , such as the National Childbirth Trust .
19 I 'm hoping to do a lot of business with Sam when we get this new programme off the ground . ’
20 This is the Thursday at the end of this year 's JFIT conference in Manchester when we plan to hold our inaugural workshop for the safety critical systems research programme .
21 ‘ There is something suspicious about wanting to shift the entire focus to Libya when we have so much circumstantial evidence for the involvement of Iran , Syria and the GC group , Ahmad Jibril 's Damascus-based Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — ; General Command [ he said ] .
22 All of us like to receive support from others when we have a problem , even if it is only talking things over with friends .
23 Yet how can Britain argue for a level playing field in Europe when we do n't even have one at home ?
24 The real problems which undrained land presents to farmers have justified drainage during periods when we have been short of food .
25 We were wrong to look for redress from others when we should be taking the wrong done to our master upon ourselves .
26 But then , one September , I was with my father in Paris when we came upon the rue St Denis where the prostitutes hang out .
27 When we started well we were in trouble in York When we at then we were going on the go slow system you know , we did n't produce much slate we were on the go work to rule .
28 In this condition , one wrong base pair in the DNA of the gene coding for a particular enzyme means that this enzyme is functionless and the body can not easily make melanin , which is the dark pigment responsible for brown eyes and dark hair , and which is produced in response to sunlight when we get a sun-tan .
29 Our choice of register when we write displays our attitude towards our reader and towards the subject matter we are writing about .
30 Anyway , we 've all written minutes offering our masters a choice of options when we and they both know perfectly well there 's only one .
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