Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] over her " in BNC.

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1 The ribbon is made , and thenceforth she spends a great deal of time over her hair .
2 In the 1980s , the tendency for political power to be concentrated at the centre has been carried a stage further by a prime minister sufficiently determined and resourceful to achieve a high level of dominance over her cabinet colleagues .
3 Julia came round just as he was erecting a kind of tent over her bed .
4 For the first time , it appeared , Mrs Thatcher had some measure of command over her own Cabinet .
5 She wanted to have some measure of control over her own productivity — which she could exercise by walking more quickly or slowly .
6 She had to get her hands back on the reins , had to re-establish at least a degree of control over her own life .
7 Jacqueline Bridger , 46 , poured a can of petrol over her head in the office of Michael Sargeant , the man she claimed had been her lover , the Old Bailey was told .
8 It was clear that she saw the drift of his question but her answer was simple : ‘ Granny seemed to exercise a sort of spell over her sons , her husband too , I think .
9 BELVILLE : A wife should draw a sort of veil over her husband 's faults .
10 She turned her hot face into the pillows and tried to get some sort of control over her heartbeats .
11 She was asleep — there was a little island of light over her bed in the side-room of the empty ward — and someone said in a professional whisper , ‘ Do you think she 's ready for the next stage ? ’
12 Theda had been obliged to retire from the room after receiving a deluge of dust over her person when attacking the top of a wide dresser .
13 The shock and mystery of two tragic and violent deaths jostled for attention with a sense of uncertainty over her future relationship with Barney .
14 ( 1986b ) for the link between childhood lack of care , premarital pregnancy and adult risk of depression , for instance , was that the early adversities militated against the child developing a sense of control over her life , and exercising it .
15 She rubbed a thin layer of Vaseline over her lips and smiled , satisfied with the extra lubrication .
16 Hector , passive , repeated in a whisper the Lament of Maeve over her lover .
17 She had taken a considerable amount of trouble over her appearance , she realized now , waiting for him to open the door .
18 She has a fair amount of control over her work ; ‘ being one 's own boss ’ was a phrase used by over half the sample .
19 How we bury people , how we marry people — First Spiritualists are always married as close to 3 February as possible , and , when the bride has made her vows , someone pours a bottle of milk over her head ( ‘ to feed her young ’ ) — how we pray , how we hang sheets out of the upstairs window to celebrate a birth , how we seem so utterly and completely deranged and yet feel so utterly and completely sane .
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