Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] and an " in BNC.

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1 A properly understood market process is not just a generator of economic welfare , it is also protection for liberty and an efficient method for the realization of many desirable social goals .
2 An exhibition can be viewed as a means of getting noticed and attracting publicity and contracts : as a rare chance of seeing a good deal of your recent work together and thus creating an opportunity for self-evaluation and an assessment of the way your work is developing ; and , by no means least , as a way of selling work .
3 There was a deep sense of prayer , an opportunity for reflection and an enjoyment in discovering more about our Catholic faith .
4 He was jeered and booed out of Red Square by angry demonstrators demanding freedom for Lithuania and an end to communist domination elsewhere .
5 ‘ He had a lack of esteem for actors and an actor 's life , ’ said Robert Hardy , ‘ but he liked the parts . ’
6 They also remarked with astonishment a sort of combat between God and her without being able to determine whether God was more occupied in seeking in the secrets of his wisdom the means of exercising her by suffering than she was disposed to suffer for his love ; for she showed an incredible avidity for crosses and an invincible patience over her trials and over every affliction which Almighty God sent to exercise her love and fidelity .
7 In developing ‘ critical theory ’ the writers of this group confronted the social role of knowledge and ideology using a framework for analysis and an approach very different from that of the sociology of knowledge .
8 If new research demonstrates a hitherto unknown link between needs and an available indicator , equity demands a change to the system , but this serves to undermine stability to an extent .
9 as questions lead to shouting and then crawling back to his Then a little bit about language and an experiment that they did .
10 In my own case I had been taught by Okely to avoid the split between subjectivism and an objective reality , but I had no preparation to contend with the changes which the field experience created in me .
11 The standards ( 2:2 ) : according to Jewish tradition , a lion for Judah , a human head for Reuben , an ox for Ephraim and an eagle for Dan .
12 Byron Georgiadis , counsel for the dead Englishwoman 's family , making his closing submissions to the inquest in Nairobi , said : ‘ He had the mobility and authority to drive around the reserve after dark and an intimate knowledge of the area — his kingdom . ’
13 In fact , she and Leonard over the years were to build on and improve the amenities , adding electricity , a bathroom , and a two-room extension of a bedroom for Virginia and an upstairs sitting-room .
14 Held on 12 April 1931 the contest turned into a more-or-less direct confrontation between monarchists and an alliance of republicans and socialists .
15 We arrive in Innsbruck for dinner and an overnight stay .
16 The OpenVMS environment includes 13 VAX/VMS systems , so-called openness for VMS and an Alpha-ready programme to help existing customers migrate to the Alpha RISC systems as they become available .
17 Leigh , with the backing of his newspaper and the NUJ , brought an action against the justices in the High Court , which granted him a declaration that the policy of anonymity was " inimical to the proper administration of justice and an unwarranted and unlawful obstruction to the right to know who sits in judgment " .
18 Snorting produces a high that lasts about half an hour accompanied by loss of appetite and an indifference to pain
19 It would be diagnosed if the person complains of or shows such things as : poor appetite and weight loss ; disturbed sleep pattern ; loss of energy and an inability to experience pleasure ; feelings of guilt and self-reproach ; difficulty in concentrating ; suicidal thoughts ; and behaviour that is very greatly slowed down or , alternatively , agitated and restless .
20 North America accounted for 20% of Bull 's $5,440m 1992 turnover , according to data released with group accounts last week , which showed a net loss of $847m and an operating loss of $409m .
21 In all Boards there was certainly an increase in red tape and committee work , and perhaps a loss of initiative and an unwillingness to take responsibility among managers and engineers , and , in a very few cases , simple unchecked extravagance .
22 Fear , anxiety , tension , whatever you care to call it , is a common hindrance in all sports requiring balance and results in a loss of commitment and an awkward rigidity in stance , movement becomes restricted and everything becomes more difficult to do .
23 The door swung open and Messrs Major and Patten stepped into a crossfire of flashbulbs and an even greater cheer from the public .
24 Wolfgang Berghofer , the popular mayor of Dresden and an SED-PDS deputy chairman , was one of 40 officials to leave the party on Jan. 20 , while others demanded that it be disbanded .
25 Assessing the results , Constantinescu said that they showed " fear of change and an alarming trend towards the left " .
26 We present three families with late onset of polyps and an apparently non-penetrant individual aged 59 years .
27 The critic never finds it , but Todorov sees in the tale both a set of instructions for any critic of literature and an outline of the figure to be read in the carpet of James 's own work .
28 Whilst one may argue that it would be wrong to attribute ego-functions to animals in which the id/ego differentiation was difficult to justify because their behaviour was largely under instinctual , preprogrammed control , it is nevertheless true that some mammals — and in particular some higher primates — do seem to show a plasticity of behaviour and an elaboration of activity which clearly point to the beginnings , however primitive , of ego-functions proper .
29 Of the students in my time , one has since become an archbishop , John Aung Hla ; another , John Maung Pe became the first bishop of Akyab , and another who came for a short term of study and an even shorter curacy was John Richardson , the saintly schoolteacher , catechist , priest and bishop in turn of Car Nicobar , where under his influence the whole of the island population , including witch doctors , became Christian .
30 Harold Bolter spoke on the review of headquarters and an overview of progress on TQM was given by Dr Bill Wilkinson and Gregg Butler .
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