Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] of their " in BNC.

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1 Finally the firm 's own lawyers should be asked to formally approve the final form of negotiated contract as evidence of their advice to the firm .
2 A concise and informative general consideration of ants and their foraging , nesting and domestic life precedes a detailed examination of the villains of the insect world , the army ants , which ends with a welcome plea for protection of their habitats .
3 To complete our user records , which the EC Directive also obliges us to keep and up-date , could you please , as Horticultural representative on the Computing Sub-Group , co-ordinate a response from AD , GD and HD as to the names of all operators who are estimated to spend at least one hour per day working at a multi-user PC as part of their normal duties ( I 've already got user names for single-user machines ) .
4 It 's always the programmer — it 's very , very seldom the computer — and if I could just go on for a minute , I feel it 's essential that young children , particularly in the primary schools , get used to using hardware and programing , so that they will see the computer as part of their normal lives , like reading and writing and anything else they use .
5 Eve knew that through these doors next week would come girls who only intended to use university as part of their social life .
6 In small group discussions , happily married men with children clearly saw fidelity as part of their lives ; although not immune to other women 's charms , they were not prepared to jeopardize what they had for the sake of a night of passion .
7 All societies ( not only class societies , according to Althusser ) need ideology as part of their conditions of existence .
8 Last Sunday 200 GCSE students from Down 's School in Compton saw it at the cinema as part of their coursework .
9 Two teenagers have chosen to bed down for the night in a freezer as part of their training for an expedition to the Artic Circle , They hope that a good night of shivering in sub-zero temperatures will prepare them for the trip .
10 Rather , they use Creole as part of their overall language-mixing strategy , invoking the Creole/English dichotomy for its symbolic value in similar ways , whether speaking to their own generation or an older one .
11 Or they could keep their old loans but with new guarantees , at the same time providing new money worth 25% of their exposure 's value .
12 This Act enabled LEAs to arrange for children under school leaving age to have work experience as part of their education in the last year of compulsory schooling .
13 With equipment and a trained mechanic loaned by the maintenance firm Kwik-Fit , students gain hands-on experience as part of their curriculum .
14 The Royal National Institute for the Blind says squash and badminton are the main culprits for eye casualties , and has begun the campaign of safe play as part of their eye safety year .
15 Science staff also spent other money as part of their contribution to the general Challenge topic .
16 All local authority auditors are expected to review aspects of value for money as part of their annual audit programme .
17 4.9 Employees who collect or carry money as part of their normal work are at risk of violence or assault .
18 With certain limited exceptions , married men are exempt from liability for rape of their wives , although they can be prosecuted for any accompanying assault or violence .
19 The banks normally could not restrict or avoid their liability for breach of their duty of care towards their customers , the plaintiffs in the case , but their lawyers suggested that the deed of release did just that .
20 Joint initiatives at all levels of pre- and postregistration courses are now being introduced , and more qualified staff are choosing to study for a qualification at diploma or degree level as part of their continuing professional education .
21 In effect , Elector Counts carry a Runefang as part of their standard armament .
22 Hence if the construction of the building which is to be the catering premises shuts out light to the adjoining premises it thereby infringes the rights of the neighbours and gives rise to a cause of action for contravention of their easement of light .
23 On 4 December , several hundred students at Fang 's university in Hefei held a demonstration as part of their campaign to organise a boycott of the campus canteens .
24 For example , voluntary sector organisations who solely or partly incorporate work on domestic violence as part of their brief , ( eg Women 's Aid ) were investigated .
25 The sequestrations follow civil action brought by Grampian Regional Council 's legal department as part of their continuing operations against poll tax defaulters .
26 Medics in particular capitalized on this state of affairs , mobilizing the results of scientific research as part of their broader push for increased representation with the state .
27 The leaders of the new organisations also found it difficult to cope with the speed of growth of their organisations .
28 Letts , of course , has moved in the other direction , into book publishing ( Blackwells ' Art & Poster Shop has seen a 500% increase in turnover of sales of their books this year , John Harvey-Jones please note ) , but it is well worth stocking Letts ' unbeatable range of the more traditional diaries for which it is so rightly famous .
29 Denied political and civil space in most Arab society by undemocratic regimes of various kinds , many people make of such an image a confused by powerful instrument of criticism of their own rulers , never mind the powers which they associate with colonial history and contemporary world dominance .
30 Their report returns again and again to this unproblematic notion of regeneration in spite of their own rather plaintive recommendation that
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