Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] you 've [verb] " in BNC.

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1 but it 's not television , i i it 's , it 's Doctor Who and , and Prisoner and , you know er very interesting and very easy for enthusiasts to direct a lot of their time and energy to maybe I do n't maybe there was a increased pressure to work and study which was erm self motivated rather than being externally imposed , maybe he maybe there was a fundamental lack of enthusiasm in him for what is described as the hardware of computing , the , the , the , the , the instruments , the machines maybe there was a less than comprehensive understanding of what is known as the firmware , that 's to say I mean operating systems that are built into the thing to make it work , you 've got to understand the firmware because otherwise you do n't understand what the machine will think you mean and what that will do and I would have thought that whereas superficially you can ignore the firmware , it 's all in there , it understands as you , I would have thought , grew into a er a graduate computer scientist you 've got to have some idea about that .
2 I take it as you are on income support you 've got no savings at all .
3 but point is Teresa , would you , if you went back on Income Support you 've got that job club thing again do n't you ?
4 back to the drawing board you 've got a backbone but you 've not got anywhere near a shocking front page .
5 It 's a bit like , it 's the same sort of idea as that sleeping bag you 've got , you know , little short dashes of paint
6 You know if it 's a once in a hundred years event , is it worthwhile providing all the backup equipment you 've got , for all the stations that you 've got .
7 I think you were shocked just now to discover the remnants of a warm human being still surviving within that ice palace you 've constructed around you . ’
8 Disk compressors tend to tell a few fibs when assessing how much hard disk space you 've got , hence the spurious figures
9 Erm , to find out how much disk space you 've got .
10 you 're always hungry , have you got a tapeworm ? let's have a look at your belly , it 'll pop , what a pop belly you 've got
11 A total communication situation where you 've got you might you 've got use of body language you 've got use of language you 've got use of tone of voice and you 're making you 're getting the message across .
12 It 's the kidneys ’ response to the water retention you 've started having .
13 water dog you 've got one second to none .
14 Okay well H P one 's on your notice board you 've got four titles of possible essays .
15 You will also try out colour washes and ageing techniques on pine moulding and finish the day by stencilling on the paint effect you 've created .
16 Hold on let's check you 've got everything , plastic spoon you 've got , sponge you 've got , what else do we need , wood , have you got the wood in ?
17 I do n't know where it is , where 's Bryony 's rain cover James ? , oh it 's down here look , it 's on the kitchen floor you 've put it is this your space suit to go to the moon ? , is that your space suit Richard ?
18 With and without the capital S. You 've heard him go on about those selective hierarchies ? ’
19 and there 's a slip road you 've got ta come on to , there 's a slip road you go down ai n't there ?
20 So in enclosed areas like that this breaks down but in the open ocean system you 've got this very strong constant ratio .
21 We ha we have to look at the environmental consequences , you stick a barrage that size across erm a large er river system you 've got to ask what happens upstream erm and of course Bristol for example is a port , how to get the ships in and out is another problem but er these are being considered at the moment and there 's quite a lot of mo money going into , into studies but no commitment yet as to actually , to actually build it .
22 It 's not just boxing and brute strength you 've got to do your homework .
23 In your text book you 've got quite a lot of information in there about reinforcing , what we 're going to do in the practical session and it 's always a help I think when you have a lot of the , thrown at you to know that you can just put it up and there it is if you get a bit confusing or ca n't remember what 's what , so on page one six nine it starts telling you all about nursing and bandages and general hygiene which we 've already talked quite a lot about but it 's very useful for you to know , you can go there and look , and if you just go through the pages from there on one seventy , one seven one , one seven two , one seven three and then on one seven four it 's got the general rules for applying bandages apply bandages when the casualty is sitting or lying down , you always sit your casualty down and you work from the front of , I say why do you work from the front of the thing ?
24 Er on this right hand side you 've got erm various advertisements for er Belfast and Northern Ireland and er and sort of er away days and and so on .
25 The bridges are lightweight affairs , complete with handrests ; the six saddles are adjustable for intonation , but for height adjustment you 've got to play with the four screw-legs that hold the whole bridge up .
26 There 's only the castle grounds that 's a park in the city centre you 've got to pay a quid to go in there on Saturdays and Sundays and I think these trees really matter I am concerned and I 'm going to ask questions about them and I will talk to David about it as well although the leaf stem he can keep himself .
27 But I mean I suppose you get those pressures in an ordinary school say if you go and teach in an inner city school you 've got … you know Asian mothers .
28 if you pick another button it tells you how much battery power you 've got left .
29 That 's a neuralgia pain you 've got , that 's Brufen would n't make much difference to that Agnes .
30 It 's like in the first year the first year of the three year period you 've got an incentive ,
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