Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] have [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The ’ chancer ’ or ’ bodger ’ in the building industry has in recent years become more of a problem .
2 But it 's only now , 17 years after her death , that the first lady of crime fiction has at last acquired a fan club .
3 It 's the usual transportation policy to have in general as
4 This project will find out how different local waste disposal authorities deal with this problem , especially how they apply national and EEC directives and regulations , and what effect regulation has on particular industries .
5 Second , the addition of aquarium salt to the isolation tank has in some cases also proved positive ; add approximately 1gm per litre .
6 Digital Equipment Corp has at last announced its OSF/1 Unix-based operating system for Alpha-based AXP systems , giving its Alpha hardware customers an alternative to VMS .
7 Each time a measurement is made the program checks that a strip around the reference strip has at most a small number of ON pixels in it .
8 With quite minor additions and subtractions the actual wood substance has in all cases about the same chemical constitution and about the same density of ninety pounds per cubic foot ( that is , much the same as sugar — say 1.5 ) .
9 ‘ Flying Scotsman 's ’ spare corridor tender has at last been purchased and delivered to the Morpeth works of Ian Storey Engineering .
10 The reception committee of mothers was always waiting , partly out of maternal duty , but mostly because those ten minutes on the village green filled the same gossiping function as ten minutes at the village pump had for earlier generations .
11 As the Potato Marketing Board has for many years worked successfully for the benefit of processors , consumers and producers , does he agree that any proposals to scrap the PMB should be strongly resisted ?
12 INITIAL shock gave ground to more considered calm in the market after Mr Lamont 's forecast of a £50 billion public sector borrowing requirement had at one stage wiped 14 points off the FT-SE 100-Share Index .
13 They had had high priority since the fuel crisis of February 1947 , but boilers and site work had in many cases been delayed ( mainly because of steel shortages ) so that 300–400MW of plant completed by the turbo-alternator manufacturers had had to be put in store for a year or more .
14 Exceptional Photoplays labelled it as ‘ an uncompromising film ’ and was quite sure it gave proof that ‘ motion picture art has by this time attained its majority ’ .
15 Channel 4 's comedy department has at last found the right format for a cabaret star — by going back to the innocent childhood of TV comedy .
16 Again , the welfare state had in many respects advanced equality of opportunity , but not equality of outcome .
17 One advantage LanOptics has over other companies is that although Israel is not in the European Community , there are no import duties payable for importing the products into Community countries .
18 If the D6 roll is more than the distance you have veered away then the Doom Diver has over compensated and the template is moved over and beyond the target the full distance roll .
19 Copy of a letter from Councillor Mrs. Brereton to the C. B. News that , due to sustained pressure by herself , the District Council has at last let contracts to resurface the stretch of the Water of Leith Walkway between Currie Kirk and Juniper Green .
20 Copy of a letter from Councillor Mrs. Brereton to the C. B. News that , due to sustained pressure by herself , the District Council has at last let contracts to resurface the stretch of the Water of Leith Walkway between Currie Kirk and Juniper Green .
21 Unacknowledged , it 's been that way for several years , as we have regularly tried to point out here as others wrongly gave the crown to Digital Equipment Corp , but both the Wall Street Journal and Datamation magazine have at last come round to agreeing that Fujitsu Ltd is the world 's second-largest computer company — with NEC Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co both now challenging DEC for the third place .
22 THE A1 Locomotive Society have at long last gained the first tangible components of the new A1 — the tender .
23 The scale of concern recently about the level of indiscipline and disruption in many schools resulting from pupil misbehaviour has to some extent been unwarranted , possibly inflamed by scare stories in the media and a greater willingness on the part of the profession , during a period of low morale and frustration , to report incidences of disruption and physical attacks on teachers .
24 Resolving the question of whether palaeocurrent flow in Torridonian Scotland was predominantly westerly or northerly is important to those interested in Scotland 's geological history , but has less external interest than the solution of the genetic code problem had for all biologists .
25 Studies on floor disinfection have in any event shown that within hours and sometimes minutes , of disinfection , numbers of micro-organisms revert to their pre-treatment levels .
26 If the rebels were prudent they would hold the line where it is , and take advantage of the peace talks that the American State Department has by steady diplomacy arranged for them in London .
27 By the mid eighteenth century the rise of tin and copper mining had in any event produced a precarious balance between local grain supplies and a growing population .
28 I AM pleased to bring the glad tidings that the British Guild of Beer Writers cricket team have at last won a match .
29 Owing to the increased employment on war work , trade union membership had in any case been on the increase .
30 But the word romance has for most people the immediate association of love and , in the main , of heterosexual love .
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