Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] must have be " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , the burial period must have been between 1400 and 1000 B.C. , a time far distant from the legendary date of the battle between Coilus and Fergus .
2 ‘ After your nightmares a boat trip must have been an ordeal . ’
3 My guardian angel must have been working overtime as the hut never actually caught fire , and as far as I am aware neither of our overseers suspected that we were harbouring such a forbidden utensil in the Met Waafs ' hut .
4 ‘ I pleaded with the officials that the test result must have been a mistake . ’
5 This fool butterfly must have been a chrysallis — there are a million tortoiseshells pirouetting on the purple flowers all the warm months — a chrysallis left from last August .
6 The fall in cyclic AMP means that a cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase must have been active despite the presence of IBMX ( 0.1 mM ) .
7 After all , South Africa was a long way off in those days and home leave must have been a great rarity . ’
8 Her sensible cotton nightshirt must have been one of his discards .
9 In Kentucky , Louisiana Maryland and Missouri , a separation order must have been obtained .
10 The Rock and Ice imprint must have been worth at least a grade .
11 There may even have been a whole series of such usurpations , but the original replication process must have been sufficiently simple to have come about through what I have dubbed ‘ single-step selection ’ .
12 Neil Ruddock 's goal midway through the first half lit the fuse … and when Steve McManaman exploded a right footer just before half-time every Town fan must have been fearing the worst …
13 The landing radiator must have been leaking .
14 Work at the north end of Normangate Field in 1974–5 dated the allotments here to the earlier second century at least , thereby suggesting that land closer to the town centre must have been surveyed and allotted at this time or even earlier .
15 The whole opus perfectum must have been achieved simultaneously .
16 These six Sonatas give evidence of an outstanding creative personality , and a ferociously energetic temperament ( they sound ferociously difficult as well : her keyboard technique must have been staggering ) .
17 The big problem for anybody watching the opening ceremony must have been suppressing whoops of hysterical laughter .
18 Weed control must have been a major problem for a one pass cultivation system before the development of herbicides , and the extra weight of the rotor unit and the engine must have made the plough difficult to handle at the headlands .
19 Although one should not read too much into this , given that the families in the survey had at least one child in primary ( board ) school by definition , and therefore the oldest were sometimes the only ones of an age to be working , it can safely be said that the openings for girls in the printing trade must have been a godsend for low-income families with several children .
20 As a matter of strict precedent , however , this aspect of the Lonrho case must have been decided on the same factual assumption as that which governed the conspiracy claim , viz .
21 ‘ A motor vehicle must have been used to take some of this property .
22 His flight engineer must have been mine was .
23 It could not have been easy for these men to deliver flocks and herds safely to their destination and the advent of motor transport must have been a blessing to animals .
24 The surplus recorded in the parish register must have been lost through migration to other places .
25 One of the first things to happen after my arrival at Bourn was the phasing out of Stirling bombers , so that the one that followed me around the perimeter track must have been one of the last to operate from there .
26 After this double success hope must have been high that a solution in the case of the general quintic would soon be forthcoming .
27 She was only twenty when she was saddled with me , yet she never made me feel I was a drag , and heaven knows a kid sister must have been at times . ’
28 To register to vote for example , a union citizen must have been resident in Great Britain on the qualifying date of the tenth of October or fifteenth of September for Northern Ireland in exactly the same way as British or other commonwealth citizens and citizens of other member states who wish to be candidates of the elections for the European parliament must conform to the same nomination procedures as candidates have hitherto .
29 The warning alert must have been sounding since he had broken into the room .
30 Quite apart from the major wetlands , every valley bottom below a certain contour line must have been soggy and at times impassable .
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