Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] like [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's well worth the trouble , though , firstly because it 's obviously ideal for bringing out the bass in small guitars , secondly because it looks just fabulous , and thirdly because it makes the inside of the guitar smell like an explosion in a spice market .
2 He also allowed that the used-car business had failed to keep him in the style to which he had grown accustomed and rose to the prospect of a lucrative drug deal like a shark to a bucket of entrails .
3 He saw Ratagan 's axe flash like a star and bury itself in a hairy snout , splintering black blood .
4 Leonora gazed at him in silence , her heart beating against the blue chambray shirt like a tom-tom .
5 Apparently Hank 's divorce had come through sooner than expected , the deed was done one Saturday afternoon in the local Registrar 's Office , and she came back to Bourn wearing a wedding ring like a brass curtain ring ( Mary 's words ) , to await her discharge from the Waaf .
6 He took the view that mass searches were fine for discovering the hidden body of a murdered child , or even a murder weapon like a knife , gun or bludgeon .
7 He thinks it makes placing your own gear sound like an activity practised by people with one foot in the grave — although climbing at Gogarth has always made me feel like that anyway .
8 But it is theoretically possible to build a special machine — a protein molecule like the rest of the cellular machines — that runs off RNA copies from other RNA copies .
9 Something flashed in the centre of the cell door like a lens in an old-fashioned camera .
10 Loopy Lil blew in through the side door like a bundle of old rags with tiny crystals of white on her woollen hood .
11 She struck again , wielding the frying pan like a club , bringing it down hard on the top of his head with a blow hard enough to cut his scalp .
12 He knows our manuscript room like the palm of his own hand and is a peritus , an expert in Arthurian life . ’
13 Bu But I mean if you get it , a big box from the village shop like no wrapping on
14 Repeatedly the theme of making the work place like a family was touched upon , and while higher management were not referred to as ‘ parents ’ it was clear that in feeling they were so regarded .
15 And anyway , a department store could n't really compete with a specialist shop like the Rose Bowl .
16 He moved diagonally on the tennis court like a ballet dancer might on the stage .
17 He smiles a lot , talks to himself and uses a tennis court like an officer patrolling it , owning it and thumping around it as if he has n't a care in the world .
18 There , she had been happy in Pakistan ; she had been happy in the Peckham house at least for the first year ; she had been happy working for Graham ; she 'd been enthusiastically interested at college and during the first two years after she had qualified ; she had been completely delighted when she had got the job she now had : a tenants ' association garden in a dreadful estate in Hackney , but where she , with a community group , had planned the garden from scratch and had made a small desert blossom like a rose .
19 SHe shimmied silently through the window crack like a cat through balanced crates .
20 Obviously , this is a serious disability fur a proud hunting bird like the peregrine falcon , but sometimes wings can be sewn back on .
21 We put it to bed in a bowl and cover it in bulb fibre like a blanket .
22 Laura found herself reduced to silence , her heart pounding like a sledge-hammer .
23 In the long silence that stretched between them she could almost hear her heart pounding like a sledge-hammer in her chest .
24 After a bit they sat up and watched the welcome breeze work like an animal through the silver-green barley .
25 It makes the family business sound like the Mafia .
26 Dragging myself down the unlit hallway floor like a slug , I coiled myself back , back to the back room , and ate and waited .
27 ‘ I have not known team spirit like the kind which exists in our dressing-room , ’ he says .
28 As I woke from the dream I heard his glass eye roll like a marble across the cold kitchen floor .
29 He was wearing riding boots again and breeches , and over whatever jacket he had he wore a full calico garment like a surplice , liberally smeared with paint .
30 Up the slope , at the top of his semi-circular steps , Alexander Menzies was waiting for them in his best silk coat like a dandy at a ball , with a straightfaced young man standing by his side .
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