Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] but [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In 1931 Welford Beaton was greatly impressed with Fox-Movietone 's Quick Millions and he guessed it would be big box-office not because it was a gangster picture but because it was ‘ a good motion picture ’ and what was particularly good about it was the acting .
2 Her gentle requests for him to sit down met with only short term success but when she used this scolding method his behaviour became far worse .
3 You can provided you keep under the thirteen amp rating but if you go over the thirteen amp rating then you are asking for trouble .
4 Beattie makes us laugh not because she 's a Yiddishe momma but because she 's a mother .
5 MACAULEY Culkin 's Kevin may be a dab hand with a booby trap but when it comes down to straightforward , grimy-faced scallywaggery , there are a couple of Irish lads in Into The West who could give him a run for his money .
6 She is interested in accents and she 'll listen to it and think , Ah that 's someone who comes from Liverpool , er not a very not a very scouse accent but because they say
7 He stared wildly up at her cage roof but though it was buckled by the fall of the tree branch it was still intact and she could not escape .
8 It is a nice feeling to be in a candy store but until you decide what you want and buy it the nice feeling does not turn into a nice taste .
9 Again you will need to investigate the legality of hiring for classroom use but where it is legal this can give you access mainly to feature films , cartoons for children and possibly to some documentary series .
10 There is also a contrast between the forge and Satis House as the house is barricaded and the inside is all dark so Pip has to be led by candlelight to Miss Havisham and when he first sees her all in white she looks like a fairy godmother but as he looks closer he sees her decay and yellowness .
11 Those of us who live and work in Northern Ireland would say that the feeling on the part of the community about bringing these matters to an end is not the result of any war-weary or defeatist feeling but because we want to bring them to an end and restore peace , and it is a very strong feeling .
12 The session was due to take place on Sunday at the Dolphin Centre but because it is also Mother 's Day some people were put off .
13 The prosecutor rose to give the opening address but before he could begin Kesselring 's chief defence lawyer , Dr Hans Laternser , asked the court to grant an adjournment .
14 Footholds had been made to get to books above head height but if you wanted one further up then you needed a rope , helmet and the special climbing boots to help you reach it .
15 Er and you could go to a boarding school but if you did n't you were moved round every three or four years at the most to a different school .
16 My peg was on a gravel point , it looked perfect for the stick float but as I was fishing for a good weight I opted to start on the feeder .
17 I do n't really get pocket money but if I see something in the shops in , in , this toy or something my mum , mum 'll buy it for me and say that 's your pocket money for this week .
18 We had n't actually heard anything about this library experience but when I asked him he would n't say anything .
19 round the barrel about three times round the barrel then right down into the chain locker but if you kept , let it ride what we used to call let it ride well well now it get so big then you have to run it all off cos you had one lever , that 's what you had and the steam valve could have all steamed .
20 Plenty of tea dances and sequence dancing but if you do n't know the sequence you ca n't do it .
21 British Legion do : they 'd hired a Dixie Band but when it came to it would want Country and Western : six in the band and a twelve pound fee .
22 When the suit is wet , it traps a thin layer of water between the body and the suit and your body quickly warms that up to a comfortable working temperature but if you fall in when the suit is dry , the cold water can be quite a shock and so a good trick in cold weather is to put the wet suit on in a hot shower and then over the top you wear a spray suit again to keep off the wind and to protect the wetsuit .
23 If you have selected 52 rows you do not need to enter the Stop Value but if you experience any difficulty in selecting the exact range mark out an oversized range and type the final date required in this box .
24 I hear , I , I , I think there is a tendency with the County Council but as I discovered as Chairman of Highways that members want to take a greater interest and to have a greater say on the items on the agenda now planning is is not a controversial as , as say highway items , but nevertheless I think there will be times and there will be agendas which will require a great deal of discussion on the individual items and I 'm also a great believer bearing in mind comments if it ai n't broke , do n't bend it .
25 When Cliff went to Bangladesh he was already a member of Tear Fund but when he saw the suffering he felt that he had to do more and was ready to give up his singing career and follow his religious instincts to help these people .
26 He is also a National junior squad coach but until he is 18 he will have to fulfill that position under the supervision of chief instructor Andy Sheridan , 4th Dan , for insurance purposes .
27 Helicopters were used to provide an airborne relay station but if they were shot down or ran out of fuel , soldiers on the ground often had to resort to the GPO telephone system .
28 In general terms the circuit acts as a threshold detector but if it acts as a zero-crossing detector .
29 ‘ Charles has n't published a guest list but since he did n't invite you , I rather think we shall be . ’
30 We booked a table in a restaurant for our office Christmas party but when we arrived they had no record of the booking we made .
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