Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [vb mod] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even so , the budget deficit will be at least $250 billion .
2 Softworld in EIS and Decision Support will be at the Heathrow Penta on 20–21 October .
3 The memory for the Second Division club will be of their historic 10-9 triumph over West Hartlepool last year , a victory secured with a last- minute try that ensured their promotion from the Courage League Division Three alongside their immediate rivals .
4 First , factors contributing to the relative success of European late-developers in the computer industry will be of interest to a UK industry which is falling behind .
5 And if , as seems likely , the election confirms support for reform , the costs of the no-confidence vote will be worth bearing .
6 If UK companies had recognised in the 1960s or early 1970s the need to enter the high-volume chip business , Juleff thinks that the whole of the British electronics industry would be in a better state .
7 One of the first battles between the giants of the world aerospace industry will be for a $2billion order from British Airways for either the 777 or the A330 to replace its ageing fleet of Tristars .
8 Entry to Abbot 's Yard car park will be through the archway off Bondgate and exit via Skinnergate to Bondgate .
9 During the same period Blackwellgate will be restricted to buses only and access to the Abbot 's Yard car park will be from Bondgate only .
10 It is expected that the results of the research programme will be of interest and utility to those in government , as well as contributing to the more theoretical aspects of the subject .
11 Loft insulation should be at least 4 inches ( 100 mm ) thick in order to be effective .
12 To become a clearing house member a MATIF applicant must be in stockbroking , banking , money brokerage , or portfolio management .
13 Whooping cough may be like this or even asthma .
14 Economists believe that the boost to the labour force may be worth an additional 1 per cent a year in the early 1990s .
15 Unemployment in the eastern districts was 11.1 per cent by April and looks set to go on rising until the end of the year ; by that time , a fifth or more of the labour force could be without jobs .
16 Our European colleagues ' vision of Europe is fundamentally different from ours and a shotgun marriage would be in nobody 's interests — and good luck .
17 Niner ( 1975 ) estimated from census data that some 250 applicants to Copeland Borough Council would be without a fixed bath or shower .
18 However , officers from Halton Borough Council will be on hand to ensure the event goes off with minimum disturbance to residents living around Naughton Park .
19 But this will not happen without sponsors coming forward to become participants in the WISE vehicle programme Sponsorship may be in the form of :
20 Prison Channing Wood was informed that , following consultations with the trial judge and Lord Lane C.J. , the Secretary of State had decided that the first review of his case by the local review committee would be in April 1995 at the nine-year point of his sentence .
21 At the operational level the research focus will be on the way in which the work of the design engineers themselves is organized and managed .
22 Thus , a glacial terrace profile may be above the interglacial or Post-glacial profile upstream and below it downstream : the terrace profiles , in fact , cross ( Fig. 9.9 ) .
23 It was decided that the First Aid Post would be at Doctor and Nancy Little 's cottage and that the village hall was to be the Rest Centre .
24 AI stated that it strongly feared that the refugee population would be at risk of certain torture , ‘ disappearance ’ or execution if returned to Iraqi Government control .
25 The leader of a research group might be in this position .
26 I had no idea that being in a commercial rock band would be like this , because I 've never paid attention to other commercial rock bands .
27 How , in Schelling 's terms ( 1979 ) , a state manages the balance between voluntarism and coercion is a central key to understanding what its future investment climate might be like , and thus its attractiveness to potential investors .
28 As luminal SCFA maintain normal colonic absorption in acute diarrhoea , the decrease seen in faecal SCFA output may be of clinical significance .
29 Car parking will be on the edge of the valley and the aim is quiet enjoyment .
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