Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [vb past] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All sorts of questions and issues were covered , far exceeding what the official election committee felt was in order .
2 In the event the conviction for capital murder was affirmed on the ground that ( the evidence being overwhelming ) there had been no miscarriage of justice , despite the majority 's view that the trial judge had been in error .
3 In his reply , the Chief Executive told Councillor Matheson that the Social Work Department had been in the process of compiling guidelines when ‘ the present difficulties ’ arose .
4 Indeed , contrary to MAFF 's stubbornly held views that the LFA Directive can not be used to support conservation except as an ancillary to agricultural development , the then Minister of Agriculture , Mr Peter Walker , answered a question in the House on 10 December 1981 on how successful the LFA Directive had been in encouraging production in the UK .
5 In a pre-Forum meeting between Australia and New Zealand , Australia expressed concern over the continuing allegations of human rights abuses by Papua New Guinea on Bougainville , where a secessionist guerrilla war had been in progress since 1989 .
6 The coffee made by that blasted mother 's boy Sartini had been like water as usual and the Brigadier himself had n't had time to go home and shave .
7 The Soren Larsen , which starred in the TV series the Onedin Line had been in dry dock for seven months .
8 An inquiry found that the vintage plane had been in good working order .
9 I refer not only to the substantial amount of money that was made available , resulting in a £45 per week rise for nursing homes , which cost us a total of £225 million , but to the amendment that allowed the Secretary of State , after community care had been in place for some time , to take account of the local authorities ' assessments of reasonable rates and of their experiences in general .
10 Consequently , the majority of participants in the group discussion had been in coal mining but now had jobs as unskilled workers in factories .
11 erm for various things and er one of the earliest er minor awards which the Education Committee had was to erm a girl from Ruth who wanted to take erm erm a course for erm the N P S , the Pharmaceutical er Society 's
12 The CDP also expressed its concern at the fact that no polytechnic director had been on the visiting party ( in fact , when the visiting party was first put together , it did include i polytechnic director , who withdrew at the last moment ) .
13 Newspaper journalists came up with the information that the pachinko barons had been just as liberal with their cash as the Recruit corporation had been with political donations and cheap shares not long before .
14 The Wackersdorf reprocessing complex had been under construction for seven years behind barricades .
15 The Lord Chancellor had been in a position to negotiate this with the Treasury .
16 An adult woman had been in labour for more than two days with her third child .
17 Talks between Russia and Ukraine on Ukraine 's withdrawal from the rouble zone had been in progress since June ( for RCB-government conflict see p. 39057 ) .
18 The old Union station had been in a rambling neo-Romanesque style , but the new one was to match the grandest of the American Beaux-Arts school , and in some ways surpass them .
19 For many lifetimes railway practice had been for locomotives and rolling stock to be downgraded or ‘ cascaded ’ from front line to secondary services .
20 The rumour mill had been in high gear since late January , when the fifty-seven year old Mr Brown announced he would retire by the end of the year to devote more time to ‘ parenting ’ and to the university founded by his family in Providence , Rhode Island ( see The Art Newspaper No. 16 , March 1992 , p. 5 ) .
21 Helping a Third World child had been in the back of their minds for some time , but it was an ActionAid advertisement in their Sunday paper that spurred them into action .
22 The health care issue had been of growing concern in the USA both because of its cost ( 12 per cent of GNP compared with around 8 per cent for most other industrialized countries ) , and its effect of binding employees to their employers through the fear of losing their health insurance , thereby making the job market less flexible and deterring people from starting new businesses .
23 The 1992 world champion had been in a subdued mood all weekend and it was clear he was being worn down by the continuing rumours over his future .
24 Len Hutton was on the way to a win against India on his birthday on June 23 , 1952 , the first time an England birthday captain had been on the winning side , and A.E.R .
25 Thirty veteran officers from the Australian destroyer Warramungu had been to a re-union in Perth .
26 Idly he turned to the London addendum that had been recently updated while the shipping contract had been under negotiation .
27 The first observation I was able to make when the books were gathered together was that , although almost all the press coverage had been about public libraries , since they were the focus of political controversy , only c .
28 Mr Fallon said he had talked to the longest serving officials in his department who said the expansion rule had been in place as long as they had been there .
29 I am sure that , if those on the Treasury Bench had been in local government , they would soon be facing surcharges for the abuse of public funds .
30 The idea of pursuing a solo career had been in Sharon Shannon 's mind for a long while — but now the time was right she already had a seminal piece of super session recording under her belt and now , with John Dunford — who 'd been centrally involved with The Waterboys throughout their Irish sojourn as sound and recording engineer — in charge of production , she got to work on her solo album .
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