Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] women [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The mean total cholesterol concentration among women with polyps was significantly higher than that of control subjects .
2 Since oestrogen is a potent inhibitor of bone resorption , we investigated changes in calcium metabolism in women with hot flushes. 37 postmenopausal women ( at least 9 months after the last menstrual period ) were divided into groups according to the frequency of hot flushes over 4 weeks : ( A ) subjects without flushes ( 18 ) , and ( B ) with less than 2 ( 7 ) , ( C ) 3–9 ( 6 ) , and ( D ) 10 or more a day ( 6 ) .
3 A study which adopts a critical attitude to this conventional axiom is Wild and Hill 's analysis of job satisfaction and labour turnover among women in the electronics industry .
4 New programmes for the next three years include a research study on women in the media in some Asian countries , workshops in South Asia for women 's alternative media , and a wider concern for advocacy in women 's media issues .
5 This role has developed to include giving counselling to individual sufferers , co-facilitating a support group , training other professionals and co-running a therapy group for women with bulimia .
6 If the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome requires the presence of abdominal pain ( as recently recommended ) then our data show no increased tendency to irritable bowel syndrome in women after hysterectomy .
7 In fact the screening rate of women in the excluded group has been low over the last 20 years — some 50–80 per cent of older women have never had a smear .
8 The rate of symptomatic gall bladder disease among women of parity 1 was generally twice that of their nulliparous counterparts .
9 ‘ We 've just started a support group for women in the English faculty , and we had a meeting here last night .
10 Maternity work with women from varied ethnic backgrounds developed my interest into health education and promotion .
11 Effect of long term tamoxifen treatment on bone turnover in women with breast cancer
12 These results show that long term tamoxifen treatment does not adversely affect bone turnover in women with breast cancer .
13 Development Policy towards women in less developed countries has changed from one which saw them only as mothers , to a more holistic approach which emphasizes both the productive and reproductive roles of Women .
14 The incidence of breast cancer in women of Japanese origin living in the United States has been intensively studied .
15 Colorectal carcinoma ranks second only to lung cancer in men and to breast cancer in women in the United States .
16 They observed that a high waist-hip ratio , low parity , and greater age at first pregnancy were more important risk factors for breast cancer among women with a family history of the disease than among those without such a history .
17 While this may mean working only one day less per week , that one day may provide a vital breathing space for women like Alice Perkins , working in demanding , pressurised jobs , and it may just allow them to remain on a career path that will take them into positions of power .
18 The former is a large scale study of women with depression , and offers an explanation of why certain women develop the clinical symptoms of depression , which focuses on the significance of a close , confiding relationship .
19 Nationally union policy towards women in now more favourable than ever before .
20 The participation rate of women of working age doubled between the 1921 and 1981 ( from 30.6 per cent to 61.1 per cent among those aged 20–64 ) .
21 The 1930s also saw a vigorous campaign for better pensions for women , which led to the introduction of a state pension for women at the age of sixty in 1940 .
22 The most fertile birth cohort of women since the 1920s has been the women born around 1937 , who would mostly have married by the early 1960s .
23 In the United States , Ms is now the unmarked choice of address form for women in professional contexts , and dental receptionists do not ask that irritating question , ‘ Is that Miss or Mrs ? ’
24 The figure shows that the cumulative pregnancy rate by insemination cycle for women with waist-hip ratios <0.80 ( pear shape ) was significantly higher than for women with ratios >=50.80; ( apple shape ) ( p=0.008 ) .
25 This implies that social and behavioural factors explain the failure of men to survive to later life but biological factors then maintain the mortality advantage of women in later life .
26 Make no mistake about it by all the processes of the government propaganda machine by kite-flying and carefully placed links , the government is trying to soften us up to the idea of increasing the State pension age for women to sixty five .
27 The two resource persons are Dr Musimbi Kanyoro , Executive Secretary for Women in Church and Society with the Lutheran World Federation , and Dr Tobe Levin , founder of the Frankfurt-based group Women 's International Studies Europe .
28 SIR — Hot flushes occur because of oestrogen deficiency in women during the menopause or in men after oestrogen treatment .
29 Since its introduction over 15 years ago , Regina Royal Jelly has become an indispensable part of the health and beauty regime for women of all ages .
30 She was disentitled to a redundancy payment by section 82(1) of the 1978 Act , which denied redundancy payment to women aged 60 or more .
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